Chapter Four

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As you waited patiently wrapped in a towel, silent shivers racked your body, over and over again. You sighed in relief as the door made another, chik sound. The door opened, and the Corporal held out his hand, with your clothes in it. You quickly grabbed them, not breaking eye contact and said, "thank you, sir." "Tch, don't ask again brat." He spoke, then swiftly closed the door. After you got dressed, you opened the door, just to find Corporal Levi standing to the right of the door.

Your pajamas are a 'nightgown' except it ends just before your knees, and you wear black leggings with it. ( Just imagine whatever color, just not neon pink please.) after closing the door behind you, you swiftly made your way to your room, with the Captain following not far behind. When you arrived at your door, the Captain was behind you, looking at you harshly. "Fine, I will go in my room." You entered before he could even say anything, and shut the door behind you, and making your way over to the windowsill. Hearing the faint, chik come from the door, you sighed softly, waiting to hear his door close, and once you heard that beautiful sound, you grabbed a sketchbook that you always had with you, and started to draw a cat, perched on top of the moon. Once you got the vague outlines, soon filling in the faint stripes that the cat had, you started to shade it. And before you knew, an hour had passed.

Plopping yourself down onto the bed that was provided, you soon fell into a terrifying state of sleep.

Darkness consumed around you again, but this time there was no light. you started to move, the dark became faint outlines of trees, and the road before you. Soon the ground started to firmly shake, and you wish you had never turned around to see the source. A huge, twenty meter titan was walking towards you. But, you couldn't run. Your feet were planted on the ground. The face came into view, and it was the most terrifying thing you had experienced. The eyes were the biggest you had ever seen on a face. There were no whites, or pupils. Just...blood red eyes, that seemed to glow horrifically. It's skin was an ashy black color, and its arms were abnormally long. It's fingers were long, and skinny. Almost claw-like. But it's mouth....It had no lips. No gums. Just...menacing ragged teeth, that were the same color as the skin. Mind you, this titan had no hair or nose. Just. Eyes and a mouth on it's face. As it got closer, the urgency to scream got more, and more identifiable. But. Nothing came out. The titan was right before you, as it grabbed your slim body between its claw-like hands. Right as it put your head in its mouth, and kept your lower body out, its mouth came down, and you felt the pain, as your insides were being ripped in half.

You awoke with a start. But, couldn't move. There it was, right before you. Looming over your bed. You couldn't move, or scream. The thing looked at you for what seemed like hours, until it snapped it's head towards the door. And vanished.

The Spark in Your Eyes -Levi x Reader-Where stories live. Discover now