Chapter Twenty-One

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     Your breathing was labored as you jolted awake. Looking around the room, you cursed at the sky, for the clouds were covering the room.

     Feeling around the small table next to your bed for the medium sized oil lamp, you quickly made a flame light up, and jumped as a small rumble of thunder sounded in the far distance.

     The lamp didn't reach all the way around your room, so you quickly rushed out of your room, and into Levi's.

     He was sound asleep on his desk. Arms crossed, resting on the table, and head rested on his arms. He would look peaceful if it weren't for his shaking, and distressed look on his face.

     Softly putting down the lamp onto his desk, you then shook him awake.

He jolted awake, his eyes watery. He glared at you, and said in a very harsh tone, "get out." You had never heard him be that angry at you before. Protesting, your said, "I had a bad dream as well. How bad can yours be? Tripping over a rock, and getting grass stains on your new, white shirt?" Your period mood swings were getting the best of you, and you scowled at him.

He stood up, his wooden chair making an awful screech against the stone floor. "I said, leave." You grabbed your oil lamp, and left his room, slamming the door, regardless of the people sleeping below.

Grabbing your old outfit, you put it on, grabbed the lamp, and stormed out of your room.

Swinging your cloak on around your torso, you opened the huge HQ doors, and made your way to the stables.

Saddling up your horse, you hopped on, and heard another rumble of thunder in the distance. Thunder never bothered you, in fact, you always found it sounding like one of those mythical creatures-dragons-are supposed to sound.

The wind whipped your hair around, as you urged your horse to gallop. The sound of (H/N)'s hooves against the worn down ground comforted you.

You rode (him/her) over to a large field. The thunder rumbled louder. A bright flash of white blinded your vision for a split second, (H/N) got spooked, and bucked you off.

You fell onto the ground, and looked up. The tree that was in the middle of the field had gotten struck, and fire was spreading fast.

Your horse ran off, and you loudly cursed. Running away from the fire into the direction of HQ, you looked to the side, and almost stopped dead in your tracks. You were probably just fear stricken, so your brain made this illusion to make it worse. Two, huge red eyes were staring at you in the distance from the shadows.

     This made you run at a speed nobody else could, and when you finally reached HQ, you ran to the side of the building where a huge bell was. ( I know there is no bell in the show I said at the beginning, this story most likely wont follow the show in most parts. )

     You tried to ring it, but It was so old. Pushing all of your body weight onto it, the thing finally budged.

     You could see the fire spreading towards HQ fast. Grabbing the rough, worn down rope, you started to ring this massive bell.

     Every cadet was confused and mad, while all of the squad leaders leaped out of bed, and flung their uniform on. Even though a cadet could be playing a prank, this hasn't happened in years. The last time someone rung the bell was when Wall Maria got breached.

Soon everybody smelled smoke invading. That is when all of the cadets sprung up, their groggy minds now cleared and alert.

You ran to the well, and started to pull up buckets of water. Once the bucket was full, you quickly, but carefully, rushed over to the edge of the fire.

Fire has never scared you. In fact, you loved it, and was fascinated by it. Every time you had seen fire in the past, people would say that a spark would stay captured in your eyes.

The Spark in Your Eyes -Levi x Reader-Where stories live. Discover now