Chapter Eleven

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After you left the Captains room, you made your way over to yours. Now in a fresh uniform, you made your way back into his office-knocking first-and looking at the floor again. The terror from last night still hadn't left your mind, and now you were starting to hallucinate things moving in the corner of your vision.

His bedroom door opened-it is attached to his office-and he stepped out, motioning for you to head down to the mess hall, as he slid on his tan jacket.

Upon opening the mess hall doors, you were greeted with loud chatter. Some heads looked at you, and noticed the Corporal standing behind you, and instantly tried to make people quiet down. It didn't work, and he shouted, "Oi brats! Shut the hell up!" The room instantly went silent. You walked over to grab your bland-tasting food, and tea, and went to sit down next to Hanji. You had developed a trick to help tone down her screaming. Cover your ears with your shoulders. Sure, you looked like a freaking aberrant, but it did help.

But today, Oluo decided to open his stupid ass mouth, and make your mood even worse. "Tch. Hanji, looks like you have a titan right next to you." He spoke in a manner similar to the Corporal's, but it just made him look like an idiot. "Where!?!" She screeched. You just glared at Oluo, earning a stupid tch. This almost sent you over the edge. But you managed to keep most of your composure.

But what he said next, made you break. "She is probably as useless as one too." The whole table went silent as they noticed your face. It was as scary as the Captain when he is furious. Hanji even noticed your glare, and shrunk away. You lowered your shoulders, and slowly stood up, trying to intimidate the man. It didn't work, and he stood up also. As he tried to speak next, "you think you're inti-" he bit his tongue. You sat back down, as he grabbed a napkin, and tried to stop the bleeding. That was all you needed to do, as you knew that you had won.

     It was currently right after training, and since it was beginning to move into fall, the weather was somewhat chilly, therefore you weren't as gross as the ones who sweat from just walking down stairs.

     Knocking on the door with your knuckle, you heard a faint come in. Usually he would say, 'state your name and business' and decide whether or not it was important. You walked over to his desk, noticing Petra standing next to him, getting ready to leave, and nodded in acknowledgment to her. You never really talked to any of the other squad members. You didn't trust any of them yet, except for the Captain.

     You then sat down, briskly glancing to your left, where you hallucinated again, and sighed. Another afternoon of helping the Corporal with paperwork.

     Hello! I will try and get up a many updates as I can this week. Obviously with homework, and after-school activities, it will be hard. But I only have stuff after school once a week. Thanks!

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