Chapter Thirty-Seven

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     Turns out, Annie made a crystal around herself that is unbreakable. Levi stayed by your side the whole time. Your abdomen started to throb from all of the movement, and Hanji's pain medication were starting to lose their effect. You could feel the blood start to seep through the bandages. Shit. Some of the stitches must of come undone. You walked over to the crystal that the bitch had trapped herself in. Levi talked with Erwin and Hanji about the matter. You sighed and walked away, your abdomen starting to sting and burn.

     Your foot hit something soft, and you looked down. A doll that looked eerily similar to the child that haunted you in your dreamlike states. You picked it up, and saw that the dress was torn in the stomach area, and the plush insides were coming out. You felt as if you were going to vomit. It's dead eyes seemed to stare right back at you. You felt a hand on your shoulder and spun around. It was Hanji.

"How is your stomach?" Her voice was unnaturally low. You replied,

"I think the painkillers you gave me wore off."

"Okay. We should be heading to the MP's HQ for now, until Eren wakes up. I will give you some, and change the bandages then." You internally groaned, knowing that probably wouldn't be for another hour or a little less. You took one last look at the doll, then threw it as far as you could.

     It turned out to be longer than an hour, and you were tempted to just check your wounds yourself, you were a grown woman. But Hanji insisted that she needed to change the bandages. I honestly thinks she just likes to see blood. Was what you thought. You were sitting on a bed in a medic room, waiting for Hanji. Except, she never showed. Instead, when the door opened, Levi walked in. You stared at him, then spoke,

"Could Hanji not make it?" He looked at you with tired eyes and responded,

"No. Erwin needed her assistance." You were pissed. Hanji insisted until you wanted to scream at her. And now she was needed elsewhere. You began to take off the corset, and once you did, it was soaked in blood. Your breath hitched, and Levi rushed over to you. The bandages were even worse. Your hands started to shake, and you leaped up and grabbed gauze out of the cabinet and other bandages. You practically ripped the dress off from your body, not giving a shit that Levi was staring at you shocked. Now here you were, almost nude in front of a man with blood-soaked bandages covering your abdomen. He grabbed the gauze as you gently took off your bandages, getting lightheaded. Hanji had not gotten the chance to do your stitches, so instead a cadet did them. This explains why not only one stitch, but multiple were completely undone. Your heart pounded. Your vision was starting to blur as blood started to flow faster than before. Levi applied pressure to your wound, as he made you lay down onto the bed.

     It stung so badly.

      Everything around you was dark. Then a bright light flooded your vision. You were back in that dreaded forest. The ground rumbled. You were riding a massive horse that was not yours. Your heart pounded so hard you could hear it in your ears. A small dot of light was at the end of the path. You dared to not look behind you, as you knew what was awaiting you. You put all of your focus in that light that was far ahead of you. The wind blew in your face and for a split second, you didn't feel fear. You felt free. You kicked the large horse to go even faster, and it took off. You were finally running away. The light began to get closer, and  you reached out to touch it. But once you brushed your outstretched fingers against it, everything went dark.

    Your eyes fluttered open, and only silence accompanied your blurry vision. You sighed, and looked to your left. You could see a desk with a quill, bottle of ink and only a couple of papers adorned the surface. You felt numb all over. It was night, as the sky was very dark. You stared at the stars, remembering Petra, Oluo, Eld and Gunther. Your (E/C) eyes wavered as you thought back to the time they died. It was really only earlier today or yesterday. You didn't know. You thought back to how you could've saved them. You felt as though their deaths were on your shoulders. Levi had put his trust in you and Eld. And you let them die. Their deaths impacted your life hard. Petra was like a little sister to you. And yes, you have to admit, Oluo was very annoying, but you still missed him. And lastly, Eld and Gunther were like older brothers to you, even if they were younger than you. Warm, heavy tears slid down your face as you remembered the times you laughed with them, joked with them and even flipped them off. More tears slid down you face, until you were sobbing. You tried to not make noise, as you didn't want anyone to see you cry.

     Over your shaky breaths, and quiet sobs, you could hear footsteps walking down the hall. The door opened, revealing a somewhat short figure. They quickly shut the door, and walked over to the side of your bed. When they got closer, you saw the familiar undercut hair, and the pale skin. Levi. He sat down next to you, and wiped your tears away.

"Why are you crying?" His voice was unusually soft.

"I-it's all m-my fault." Your wavering voice was thick with emotion.

"What is?"

"P-Petra, Oluo, Eld a-and Gunter." After you said that, more tears streamed down your face.

"It should've b-been m-me. N-not them." The lump in your throat grew, as you sobbed heavily.

"(Y/N). It is not your fault. It was inevitable. I.....I am not happy about their deaths, but...I am happy that you came back alive. I don't know what I would do. Ugh. I hate sappy shit." He ran his hand through his hair. Even though he didn't directly say it, you could tell what he was hinting at. You smiled softly.

     You two just stared at each other. He then leaned in, and your lips connected with his. He shifted, so he could get a better angle, and kissed you with more passion. You lifted your hands and tangled your fingers in his hair. He pulled away for air, but then went right back in for a deeper kiss. He held you as if you were china glass. When you two pulled apart, he looked down at you with such passion and love, and you looked back with the same emotions.

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