Chapter Twenty-Three

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You had fallen asleep after getting the stitches in your leg.

You woke up on a very comfortable bed. You immediately recognized this bed, it was Levi's. Propping yourself up onto your elbows, you winced. Even a little bit of movement hurt like hell. Laying back down, you sighed. Your eyes scanned the room, and his office. You could see his desk from the bedroom, and you didn't see him. He is probably in a meeting.

Sighing, you tried to fall back asleep, but then remembered the terror of the last time you fell asleep without problems. Your eyes shot open again, and you mumbled curses.

     You must have been staring at the ceiling for about an hour and a half until you heard his office door open, and a sigh. Levi mumbled something, probably about Erwin, and set his jacket on the back of his chair, and walked into the bedroom.

Noticing that you were awake, he pulled out a container of some kind of cream, probably containing medical cream to help the burns.

He popped open the lid, and lifted the blanket up till your upper thigh. He put some cream on his hands, and softly applied some onto your feet and ankles. You closed your eyes tightly, and let him apply more to your shins, and then thighs. "Now apply the rest brat. This stuff is fucking disgusting." He went into the bathroom to wash off his hands.

That was three hours ago. Levi brought you dinner, and helped you sit up. The bland soup burned your mouth, but you didn't care. After all, you haven't eaten in almost twenty four hours. The usually bland soup tasted amazing, and you regularly dipped the bread in the thick food.

     The only thing that you didn't do was, sleep. Even the thought terrified you. You could tell that Levi was still pissed at what you had said the night before. But he was starting to ease up.

     He came in to check on you, and sat down on the bed. You had your eyes closed, but you weren't asleep. Speaking softly you said, "I am sorry for what I said last night. I realize that it was the wrong thing to do, and it was selfish of me to do. I am sorry Levi." He sighed and said, "you damn brat." Curious, you asked, "what was it about anyways? You don't have to tell if you don't want to."

     He stayed silent at this. You realized that you were on thin waters right now and said, "never mind, you can tell me if you want to." Just then, Hanji came bursting through the door, and ushered Levi out of the bedroom. You looked at her quizzically, and she pointed to your leg underneath the blanket.

     Hanji lifted the blanket up, and looked at your stitches. The burns were healing amazingly well, but the slash wasn't. ( WARNING GROSS DESCRIPTIONS AHEAD. IF YOU DON'T LIKE, SKIP AHEAD UNTIL YOU SEE, ••• )

     Puss was spilling out of the cut, and some of the burns were blistering. Hanji decided that the wound might get infected, so she took out the stitches, and more gross, white puss poured out. She quickly grabbed some gauze, and started to wipe away some of the gross substance. It stung like hell, but you knew it would be worse if she didn't do this.
     Hanji sterilized the needle under flame, and plunged it into your flesh again. You kept telling yourself to take deep breaths, and you gripped the pristine white sheets again. She left half a quarter of the huge wound open, so fluid could come out.

     When Hanji was done, she looked into your eyes, and saw, a flicker of a flame. A spark, getting ready to ignite.

     Hello! The stupid italic thing hasn't been fixed for me yet, and that is why there is no nightmares or dreams, or memories. A hint about Levi's dream is.......It is something about Isabel and Farlan.......The drama about my crush and all of that shit is mostly resolved. My best friend and I came up with a theory, so hopefully updates will be coming out faster. As always, thank you for reading, and the positive feedback!

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