Chapter Six

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     Upon opening the doors, the whole mess all goes quiet for a second, then resumed to loud chatter. Some people were staring at you, some just acted like you weren't there. And honestly, you were fine with that. Walking over to the kitchen to grab your food, soup and stale bread, Hanji was already screaming at you to come and sit with her. After setting down your tray next to Hanji- the only open seat, you made your way over to the kitchen again, to grab (F/T) and go sit back down.

     Getting ready for your eardrums to be blasted out, you cupped your hand over your left ear, and began to eat. You noticed a new face at the table, other than Petra, Oluo, and Gunther, there was this guy with blonde hair, up in a bun. He must've noticed your glances, because he spoke, "hi, I'm Eld. I was away while you came. And you are?" You responded quickly, "my name is (Y/N). Nice to meet you."

     By this time, you were finished and went up to wash, and put away your dishes. Once you were finished, Petra was waiting patiently. "You don't have to wash you dishes if you don't want to, since we have someone new have kitchen duty every two weeks." She spoke in a soft manner. You just nodded, put the clean utensils away, and walked to Hanji's office to get your uniform.

     You knocked on the door to her room, and it lurched open before you, revealing the crazed woman. She shoved your uniform in your hands, and slammed the door in your face. What the hell was that?!? You sighed and made your way down the crazily long hall, and made your way into your room.

     You looked at yourself in the tiny, handheld mirror that was in the room before you came, and sighed.

     You opened your door, to a pissed Corporal. "Why the hell did you leave my sight, you incompetent brat?" He hissed. Today he was not in a good mood. "I apologize, sir." You said in a grumpy tone. This seemed to piss him off even more, as his glare deepened.


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