Late Nights are Never the Answer

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Prompt - Modern AU - Lance has two weeks to finish his deadline for something for his collage class. Of course being the idiot he is (I swear I love my son) he stays up late for a week and on the eighth day Keith decides to go check on him because no one has heard from him in a week and everyone is worried. When Keith arrives to find Lance practically asleep while he works surrounded by empty coffee mugs and a few ramen cups.  There is swearing in this, so if you are uncomfortable with that kind of stuff, please do not read this.


Lance had two weeks to finish this project for his collage class. All he had to do was draw something from nature that he loved, naturally he chose the sky more so the night sky. 

Lance knew that he had two weeks but considering he chose the night sky, he could only work on it in certain times of the days, not wanting to take a picture of the sky Lance's own logic was that he wouldn't get the full beauty from his window.

A week Lance worked without any sleep minus getting up for only two minutes to four minutes to get coffee, a cup of microwave ramen as unhealthy as it is and of course to use the bathroom. Of course Lance would regret when he finished the project but at the moment, nothing else mattered besides finishing this, he'll sleep when he's dead or whenever he finishes the project and is happy with the results. 


It's been a week and a day and Lance hasn't communicated with anyone and everyone especially Keith was getting worried about him. 

"Has anyone heard from Lance lately? I'm getting worried..." Allura spoke coffee over her mug of coffee that she bought from the cafe where everyone was.

"I haven't heard from him either..." Shiro agreed with Allura and everyone else nodded in agreement.

"Do you think he's okay? Does he have a job or something going on?" Pidge tried to reason with everyone as everyone slowly got more anxious without their loud and silly friend that they all adored and cherished.

"Hmm... Usually when he has something going on like a project, he would usually lock himself in his room and work for days." Hunk spoke up, also reasoning with the current situation, "Oh yea! I remember that Lance told me that he had a really big project for his class! He must be working on that!"

"Why didn't you tell us earlier Hunk?" Keith threw his hands up in the air, "I know Lance pretty well and if he's working on a project he won't eat or sleep well! Ah Jesus, I gotta go put him to bed."

"Oooo~ Kinky!" Pidge smirked as Keith got up after taking Hunk's apology, "Make sure that you kiss the asshole!"

"Pidge. Language." Shiro gave Pidge a stern look, "You're too young to be swearing like a sailor."

"Shiro, I'm older than you. Shut the fuck up. Plus, swearing is my language!" Pidge gave Shiro a stern look as well before bursting out in laughter soon to be followed by the others besides Shiro who just sighed and shook his head.

"Just because I'm a leap year baby does not mean that you are older." Shiro sighed again, "I'm to old for this... You guys are the reason why I'm getting white hair." 

Keith just laughed, patting Shiro on the back before leaving the cafe to go to his boyfriend who was most definitely sleep deprived. 


"Lance? Babe?" Keith opened Lance's apartment door and walked in to find the whole place deadly quiet, "Lance? Is everything okay?"

As Keith wandered around the apartment looking for his lanky boyfriend but having no luck until he came across his bedroom which was the only door closed completely, "Lance? You in here?"

Keith didn't hear anything verbal from Lance but he heard some sort of noise that Keith wasn't able to pinpoint what exactly it was, "May I come it?"

Keith yet again didn't get anything verbal from Lance but got some sort of noise which Lance took as a grunt of agreement, allowing Keith to come into his room, "Hey Lance, have you gotten any sleep in the past week?"

Lance shook his head, dipping his paintbrush into a glass that was filled with dirty water that Keith could only think that was dipped into with paintbrushes for days, "I have to finish this project... It's grade is worth most of the whole semester."

"Lance... When is it due?" Keith took a step closer and sat down onto Lance's bed and watched Lance rub his eyes tiredly, his eye-bags visible on his tan skin. 

"Umm... In six days at the moment... I'm almost done, I'll take a nap when I'm finished..." Lance waved off Keith's concern who scowled at Lance's lack of concern about his own health. 

"Babe, you can finish it tomorrow after you take a nap and eat something besides cup of ramen." Keith kicked a empty cup of ramen that was laying on the ground and then pointing at Lance's tired face.

"I'm not tired." Lance pulled away from his project to look at Keith with his arms crossed and a small pout on his face, "If you want me to go to sleep for a little bit you're going to have to force me to." 

"Lance please don't fight me. You and I both know that I can throw me over my shoulder like you weigh nothing." Keith crossed his arms like Lance has before getting up and situated his arms to pick Lance up.

"Hey! Hey! Let me down!" Lance began to hit Keith's back lightly, not wanting to cause any harm to his boyfriend, "I didn't mean anything!"

"To bad, I already got you in my arms and now you're going to bed!" Keith exclaimed, laying Lance onto the bed before laying right down onto his chest, "You better not forget this bonding moment." 

"Of course I won't but get off of me Mullet, I gotta finish this project!" Lance's voice sounded slurred to Keith's ears which meant that sleep was taking over his body.

"I know Sharpshooter. But you can take a break for a little bit and just sleep cause I swear to God if I found out that you didn't sleep at all these past two weeks you're dead." Keith spoke with a little malice in his voice to show that Keith meant business.

"Screw you and your mullet. I can do what I want." Lance spoke back but made no move to well, move.

"I know, I know. I'm the worst yet best boyfriend that you ever had." Keith chuckled, resting his head on Lance's chest, listening to his heartbeat. 

Lance didn't answer to Keith's word but now Keith was only answered with Lance's soft breathing which could only mean that Lance has fallen asleep.

"Good night Sharpshooter. Just remember in the future that late nights are never the answer." Keith smiled softly before closing his eyes himself and letting the silence and sleep take him over.


If you have any prompts please comment them and I'll write a story. But please be specific if you don't want me to have my own twist!

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