We can do this together

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Prompt - Wowie, look at me, four stories in one day. What the hell. Anway, trans Lance hanging out with Pidge and a supporting bro man Hunk. The two pressure Lance to come out to the team after he nearly passes out or does pass out from using his binder during training. 

Ha, once again a lot of these are my thoughts (or at least what Lance says) I've also realized that this is a mess and more but screw it, I'm too lazy to fix it. Also, I do have a skype so if you would like to talk (I'm not one to call if I don't know you well) just ask!


"Yo Pidgey!" Lance came running up to the smallest Paladin with a large smile on his face.

"What do you want microphone?" Pidge replied to Lance who pretended to be in shock by the overly used nick names between the two.

"I am betrayed but anyway, irrelevant, do you want to have another spa night? It's been a while." Lance smiled, hoping that the Green Paladin would say yes to his offer.

"If Hunk's tagging along with his substitute peanut butter cookies, I'm in." Pidge smiled, excited to hang out with her friends, "Come on microphone! Lets go see if Hunk has any left over cookie dough!"

"You could die from it but I'm not saying no! Catch me if you can!" Lance laughed as he took of to the kitchen.


"How much do you wanna bet that Shiro puts on eyeliner every morning?" Lance spoke as he munched on a cookie, "I'm betting at least twenty space dollars."

"That's stupid, I'm betting thirty space dollars and two batches of peanut butter cookies!" Pidge exclaimed laughing.

"If it's stupid why are you betting against me?!" Lance exclaimed taking another cookie.

"Um as your guys best friends, I can say that he does put on eye liner." Hunk spoke up, his eyes closed as he allowed Lance to put on a face mask.

"Wait really? Lemme guess, he does it in the shower rooms, right in front of the- Wait, how do you know this?!? Do you spy on him?!?!" Pidge yelled before she started to laugh.

"W-What no!!" Hunk stuttered, wanting to hide behind his face, "I sometimes forget that my headband in my locker and BAM there he is doing his eye liner."

"To be honest, it looks really nice." Lance shrugged, "Still I think my make up looks better." Mid sentence he gasped, "Pidge, Hunk! Lemme do your makeup!"

"As much as I love you doing my makeup, I'm going to say no." Hunk sighed, "Though I know that I look very pretty in it."

"I'm not going to do your makeup, makeup! I wanna do SFX makeup!" Lance stood up bouncing on his feet, "Pidge, Hunk! Take off your shirts, it's time to get bloody!!"

"Hell yea! IT'S TIME TO GET BLOODY!!!" Pidge cheered as she managed to take off her shirt.

"Oh yea Pidge? I have a question. Do you have any sport bras around?" Lance walked back in with a few supplies, "I've been training with my binder on lately."

"Lance! You shouldn't do that! You could break you ribs!" Hunk exclaimed, his voice fearful.

"Screw it! If I'm going to die, so be it! But Pidge, do you?" Lance sat down in front of Pidge as he spread out the supplies he brought before working on Pidge's makeup first.

"Nope, I left with only the one I have on. But we should totally show the others and play a prank on them." Pidge practically vibrated with excitement, "Make me HELLA bloody!"

"Can I just request something floral...?" Hunk spoke up, "I'm not a big fan of blood."

"You got it you big teddy bear! Now, let's gossip, You and Shay have been getting pretty close whenever we visit the Balmara!" Lance winked at Hunk as he began working on Pidge's makeup, "You can't hide anything from me! I know that you love her~!"

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