New Beginnings

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Prompt - Modern Day Slavery (also known as human trafficking). As much as I hate writing about modern day problems like this it's better for more people to know than for people to be left in the dark. This fic is very triggering so please read at your own risk!

The ending is really weak but oh well.  I'm not good at writing anyway. 


Lance barely knew his parents. Sure he can remember some details - who they were and the soft words that they said to him - but their faces were just a blur of tan skin.

They sold him off when he was just five years old, being unable to take care of four children and two more on the way. Of course it seemed animalistic to sell off your own child but sometimes in the poor parts of a country you want your child to have a good education, a place to sleep - preferably somewhere that wasn't always leaking - and a place that had enough food so that your child wouldn't go hungry.

But that wasn't always the case. Hell, it was never the case most of the time.

All the buyers wanted to do was use the child as a slave. Sex, work, the list goes on.

Lance was first sold off to a guy he never learned the real name of. All he wanted to be called was Master - and so Lance did. He didn't have a choice. if Lance called him anything else than Master he was beat and left without food for a few days until he practically couldn't clean the storefront anymore without stumbling a few steps.

Lance was sold off again in six months.

It scared Lance on how easy someone could buy a child. It could take under less than ten hours to buy one and some costed less than 100 dollars. Lance had once witnessed a fifteen year old girl who had recently birthed a child be sold off for under 200 dollars. The worst part, though, was that she couldn't keep her child. It wasn't apart of the deal, and the kid was left with her Master.

The second Master that Lance had was no better than his first. She was much poorer and worked alongside a dirt road selling sandals while her kids went to a poor school just down the hill. That meant Lance stayed at home all day cleaning and cooking.

Lance was beat often. It was mostly because he either didn't clean the house the way she liked, or because her children always complained that he either over seasoned the food or they just didn't like it.

Lance was sold off to a tourist who just came to Cuba to bring home a child slave. He had barely lasted two months at his second master's house.

The tourist called himself General Iverson, he seemed nice back on Cuba but as soon as he stepped foot in America, everything turned sour. Lance had refused to call him Master.

On the outside Iverson seemed like a good citizen who paid his bills on time, did community service on days he didn't have work. Not to mention that he was the fucking teacher at the Galaxy Garrison, some big space school that Lance learned about a few months when he was in America.

But behind closed doors Iverson was a nasty man. He didn't do the bills, Lance did. He had to learn quick in fear of being killed. He would always beat Lance over small things that a normal parent and child duo would over look and just ask for help to clean up the mess. But, Iverson was different.

Lance never really saw the daylight, he was locked away in the basement, the only light that Lance every really saw was when Iverson came down to give him food and water and to do some unforgivable things that you shouldn't do to a eight year old. The second time that Lance saw some light though it wasn't natural it came from a lamp that Iverson gave him just so he could do the bills.

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