It's okay to take a sick day

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Prompt - Me just projecting myself onto my favourite character

Also I am in need of three(?) more editors so if you are interested you must follow these instructions(?)
- You must have an email, Instagram/discord
- You must be available most days and if you are not going to be available please tell me before hand!
- You must be able to point out my mistakes and fix them!

- You can add more to my stories
- You can write me stories if you want and if you would want me to post them just ask!

So if you would like to be my editor, just private message me!


Lance was never one to actually get sick. Maybe a small cold that lasted a day but that only happened almost every other year. Or - if he was really lucky - he wouldn't get sick for two years.

But when Lance did get sick it usually ranged from a normal cold that he would go to school with, or a raging fever that he would still go to school with. Lance couldn't actually stay home from school, or rather he could stay at home but he chose not to.

The only time Lance would stay home is when he would actually pass out which hasn't happened just yet and probably never will. Lance McClain was very careful about being sick. Instead of couching into the air he did it into his sleeve or tried not to cough at all. Sneezing was never an option since it caused too much attention to him and Lance wanted to keep a low profile when sick at school.

Either way, this sickness that Lance managed to catch (Lance could tell that it was going to be a long and hard one), he would still go to school even if it was going to be the death of him.


When Lance woke up, he already knew that the next day or so was going to be actually hell on Earth. His face felt like if he had anymore heat, his skin might actually start to melt off, which could be kinda badass but Lance worked hard on taking care of his skin and just having his skin melt off would be stupid and Lance would never be able to be seen outside or in public ever again.

"Lance, hijo, it's time to wake cause you have school today and don't forget that you have to help around the house a lot today cause I have a late shift at the hospital tonight." Lance's mother opened the blinds and windows to her son's room who only moaned and buried his face closer into his pillow.

"No thank you Mama, I've decided that I'm going to throw myself into volcano." Lance mumbled though he sat up and looked around the room.

"Are you feeling alright Lance? I can call school to tell them that you're not feeling well." Maria looked over at her son who seemed to look like he had glassy eyes, "If you're not feeling well I don't want to force you to take care of your younger siblings and go to school."

"I can still go to school mama, I'm just congested. Plus if you're working late tonight someone has to take care of the kiddos then I'll do it. I've done it a million times, one more time won't kill me mama." Lance smiled warmly as he started to get pick out the outfit for the day as his mother just nodded and left his room probably to go wake up his siblings and make a small breakfast for the six of them.


Lance sneezed for the second time during his lectures getting a few glares for disrupting the lecture and a few 'bless you's from people who actually seemed to care about Lance. Or maybe it was just a reaction that no one thought over before saying.

"God man, you sound like shit." Keith grumbled as Lance sneezed for at least the fifth time. "Can you stop sneezing? I'm trying to write my essay."

"I think you mean I am the shit." Lance mumbled back, his voice sounding like he had just swallowed a whole gravel driveway.

Keith rolled his eyes at the Cuban who was currently covering his face with a sleeve of his jacket.

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