You Are My Sunshine.

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Prompt - Klance it starts off as lowkey but the last part is highkey, it's just langsty klance with a fluffy ending. I'm sorry. It's not as langsty as usual, but it's there. I just thought I should give you guys a break from all of this death.

I also didn't get any sleep at all, oops. So I'm going to be really sleep deprived while writing my new story, which by the way is coming out later today! 


It wasn't a secret that Lance loved to sing and that everyone in the castle loved it when Lance sang smalls songs to them.

Hunk got childhood songs that usually got stuck in the others head for multiple weeks. But none the less, Hunk loved the songs, they reminded him of the songs that used to play on the radio as a child, they reminded Hunk of the nights that his mothers would dance along with him.

Pidge got silly songs that made her giggle even if she was in a bad mood from not being able to crack a code. Though if Pidge stayed up for weeks on a code, and on the brink of collapsing and yet she was refusing to go take a nap, Lance would scoop her up and rock her, singing soft lullabies. 

Shiro never requested songs like Pidge or Hunk but he loved hearing Lance's voice late at night when he was just coming out of an episode of him still being in the arena. Shiro appreciated that Lance sung in a soft voice or either hummed, trying to to scare the poor man any further.

As for Coran and Allura, Lance learned Altean just so that he was able to sing to the two when they were missing their destroyed home planet. Though Allura and Coran would never admit it to the other Paladins, but they most definitely cried when they first heard Lance sing the familiar song to their ears. 

Now Keith... Keith was a little difficult for Lance to crack considering he didn't know what kind of songs that he liked. He knew that Keith never had a great childhood or did he have the time to have fun. But Lance managed to find a few songs that Keith loved, they were quite old but Lance learned to love them over the few times that he sang the songs.

Yet, as much as Lance loved to sing to the others, but he never sang with only him in the room. Lance was never supposed to sing with himself, he kept telling himself that his problems weren't as problematic as the others, he kept telling himself that he didn't have a pretty singing voice or a pretty voice in general, yet he kept singing for the others. 

Considering he didn't sing for himself, he always longed for someone to sing to him. He didn't care if the said person didn't think they have a pretty voice, all of the voices of his friends sounded beautiful to Lance's ears, and their singing voice would probably even be prettier. 


"I'm a barbie girl, in a barbie world." Lance sung as he helped Pidge wire a few things, laughing himself as he heard Pidge's own giggles. 

"Why are you like this!" Pidge giggled, clutching her stomach, unable to work anymore.

"You requested it, so why are you like this! Besides the point Pidgey, come on girly! You've been worked your self to the death! Lets dance!" Lance dragged Pidge away from what she was working on to twirl her around as he sang.

Pidge just laughed again and complied, allowing Lance to twirl her around.


"Hey buddy?" Hunk asked as he whisked some alien like eggs, "Could I request a song?"

"Sure thing my buddy ol' pal. What can I sing for ya'?" Lance smile as he watched Hunk.

"Could you sing 'We didn't start the fire'?" Hunk threw a soft look at Lance over his shoulder.

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