A Boy With The Stars On His Face

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Prompt - Lance has freckles and honestly hates then with every fiber in his body and he'll do anything just to get rid of them
Being in space isn't the best when you only have limited supplies. Lance already ran out of concealer, he tried
multiple times to wash them off with water, hoping that the freckles were just a on going prank with permanent markers.  Now Lance resorts to scratching them off, leaving his face bloody and raw. Once he does, he's sure to hide his face in his jacket so that no one can see his ugly freckles.

Self projection onto my favourite character? Don't know him.


Lance stood in his bathroom, staring at his face with disgust. Lance loathed his face despite his nature around his other friends. What Lance hated most was his freckles, his god forsaken freckles that were like an ugly shade of paint was flicked onto his face, spreading across his  cheeks and traveling down to his neck. Every inch of his face was covered in freckles, without concealer you could barely see his skin.

Lance tried everything. He tried concealer but that ran out a little while ago resulting in him having a mini panic attack whenever he stepped out of his room and only to walk back into his room to try something else. He tried to wash the freckles away with water, hoping, no praying that his freckles were just an on going joke that his siblings did when he was back at home and that back at the Garrison both Hunk and Pidge caught onto it and did it while he was asleep and even now in space. Oh how Lance prayed that it was just permanent marker that would come off if he just sat under the water for a little while longer. 

To Lance misfortune, his freckles were in fact no marker. They were real as Lance's hate for them.

The only thing that Lance resorted and Lance hated this option but it was the only option that he had left, scratch his freckles away.

As much as Lance hated this option, he has done this once before his mama caught him and told him off and then helped him by showing him how to apply concealer. 


"Where is Lance? He's usually up around now..." Hunk murmured to himself as he served the Paladin's daily breakfast of green space goop.

"He's probably asleep Hunk. You know how Lance needs his 'beauty sleep'." Keith scoffed, using quotation marks, "You can't teach an old dog new tricks."

"Isn't Lance younger than you by a few months?" Pidge questioned, not looking up from her robot she was tinkering with.

"I know but... Lance..." Hunk mumbled again, sitting down looking at Lance's empty spot, "Ah, speak of the devil. Good morning Lance!"

Lance jumped at the sound of Hunk's voice, covering his face to make sure that no one would notice his unnaturally red and raw face, "O-Oh... Good morning buddy."

"Is everything okay Lance? You seem jumpy this morning." Shiro looked Lance in the eye making Lance feel uncomfortable.

"O-Oh I'm fine..." Lance spoke quietly, bringing his jacket up closer to his face. Not wanting to drag any attention to his face.

"Paladin, are you okay? You're face seems red." Coran looked over at Lance, leaning in close.

"N-No. I'm just cold...?" Lance said, his voice going up in pitch.

Hunk looked at Lance quizzically, leaning into Lance's face as well, "If you're cold you can borrow a blanket."

With that Lance's eyes lit up, almost dropping his sweatshirt away from his face, "Really?!? Thank you, thank you, thank you!"

"No problem buddy. There should be one at the foot of my bed." Hunk smiled at Lance who was practically vibrating with excitement. 

With a smile, forgetting about his red face Lance ran out of the dining room, racing towards Hunk's room.

Was he actually cold? Not exactly, sure he was Cuban and not use to the cold but also having a blanket could cover his raw face from unwanted eyes.


"Hey Lance? You in here?" Keith poked his head into the Common Room where he saw a tuft of brown hair over the edge of the space like couch, "Lance wake up! Shiro is wondering where you are, we have to go training!"

"Shut up Mullet. Let me sleep..." Lance mumbled, not shifting his gaze from the wall.

Keith scoffed, "What the hell is wrong with you today? You've been acting jumpy and you've been hiding your face all day!"

"Keith, I said I'm fine!" Lance spoke with hardness behind his voice.

Keith scoffed again, walking over to Lance to face him, eye to eye, "I'm going to ask you once more. What the hell is wrong with you?"

Lance flinched at the roughness of Keith's voice, hiding his face under the blanket, "I've told you that nothing is wrong!"

Keith practically growled at Lance denying that everything was okay in his book, "You know, you suck at lying. I'm giving you ten seconds to remove the blanket before I do it myself."

As Keith said, he gave Lance ten seconds to remove the blanket from his face but Lance made no move to do so, "You've asked for it you idiot!" Quickly removing the blanket off of Lance, Keith felt his heart drop at the sight of Lance's face, "Lance... What happened?"

"It's nothing bad..." Lance mumbled, trying not to look Keith in the eyes, "If you honestly want to know what happened, I happened."

Keith took a step closer to Lance, examining Lance's red face, "Why would you do this to yourself...?"

"I don't know if you noticed or not which could be hard but I have freckles. A-And I hate them... I want them gone." Lance mumbled again, quickly glancing up at Keith, making eye contact.

Keith took one more step closer to Lance, looking him in the eyes and examining his face, looking for the freckles, "Holy shit you have freckles."

Lance made a pouting face, glaring at Keith, "Thanks Mullet. Why don't you rub it it."

"I'm not trying to rub it in idiot. You look really pretty with your freckles." Keith reached out to touch Lance's face lightly, brushing Lance's freckles lightly, "You're so pretty..."

Lance's face turned a bright shade of red, "S-Shut up Mullet."

"I won't shut up, you're a very pretty boy with your freckles." Keith barely gave it a moments of thought before pressing a kiss to a bunch of freckles.

"So, am I not pretty when I hide my freckles?" Lance grumbled, blushing when Keith pressed his lips against his face.

"Please don't hurt yourself again, you are very pretty. You're a boy with the stars on his face." Keith mumbled, pressing more kisses against his face.

Lance let out a light and cheery laugh, "Oh my God, you're such a cheese-ball!"


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