We Never Wear White After Labor Day, That's Why I Wear Red

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Oops, I came up with this idea at midnight with my friends in a discord group chat. They all started to cry with the idea.


Lance was done, Lance was just done. He didn't know what to do anymore, he's tried so hard to keep a smile on his face, everything just hurt Lance to be around everyone who seemed so carefree. 

Lance was just tired, not the physically tired that could be solved with a good nights rest. If it was that kind of rest, Lance's depression and anxiety would be solved in a night. Oh if only it was true. 

But no, Lance's kind of tired was that everything felt heavy, he could barely think straight with all the thoughts that were running a thousand of miles per minute. It was tiring to keep up with all his thoughts, even if they weren't good thoughts, they were his thoughts none the less. He needed them to be alive.


"I wonder what day it is back on Earth." Lance mumbled aloud during one of their few times to relax after long days of relentless training.

"Now that you mention it, I wonder what it is too." Pidge looked up from her laptop for once in a few hours, "I bet I could make a calendar under a hour. Hunk, you wanna help?"

"Sure, but I should make dinner soon." Hunk shrugged standing up to sit closer to Pidge to point out a few coding that could get the calendar working. 

Lance didn't know what to say anymore or even do anymore. Lance's mind was a huge well, mess of a mess, "I-I think I'm going to turn in now." 

Keith looked at Lance with a quizzical look, "Why are you turning in now? It's early. Are you feeling okay?"

Lance turned to Keith and tried to muster up a great smile to show that everything was okay on the outside but certainly not on the inside. But Lance wouldn't allow Keith to see that.  

"Very well, be sure to be on for training. We'll be doing hand to hand combat." Shiro spoke up, making eye contact with Lance who's smile faltered a bit. 

"Got it! I'll be sure to be on time!" Lance smiled again before rushing out of the common room.


Lance could barely focus for the millionth time for maybe the minute. But Lance had one focus, he had to get injured enough to get to the medic wing. He needed something sharp, something sharp like a scalpel. Lance couldn't take it anymore, Lance was sorry to say it but he needed to, he couldn't do it anymore. Lance hated being a fake or even a poser yet here he was.

"Oh yea! I managed to figure out what day it is on Earth!" Pidge cheered as everyone was taking a short water break after training for a few hours.

"Really?!? What day is it??" Lance perked up a bit upon hearing the news. 

"It's the day after Labor Day. It's crazy on how long we've been in space!" Pidge cheered again though it wasn't as happy as the first cheer.

"Wow... You're right, I'm not sure how long ago we've left Earth but wow... We've been in space for a long time." Lance gave out a low whistle, "I'm going to go grab something quickly, I'll be right back!"

Once again for the second time of the day, Keith gave Lance a quizzical look, "O-Oh okay. I think we're done with training, right Shiro?" Keith turned to Shiro who gave Keith a curt nod.

"G-Great! I'm going to go take a nap then after I finish up my chores!" Lance clapped his hands together with a smile on his face before racing out of the training room.

Once Lance left the others in the training room, everyone was quiet before Keith spoke up, "Is Lance okay...? He's been very... jumpy today or at least a little... off." 

Hunk was the one to speak up this time, "I'm not hundred but maybe he's just homesick after finding out its after Labor Day. His family always did something extravagant."


Lance's hands were shaking, he wanted this, no, he needed this. Lance was tired, so, so, tired. Yet why were his hands shaking? Was he scared...? Possibly, but everything happens for a reason, right...?

Yet Lance didn't want to see what he was about to do. If he ever goes home, if he even makes it out of this situation alive, his mama would kill him.

Closing his eyes, Lance pressed the scalpel against his tan skin, allowing the scalpel to ruin it. 

It hurt a little, or more like it hurt a lot but what done is done. There was no turning back now.


"Where's the Blue Paladin?" Coran spoke up during dinner, his eyes scanning the table to find one spot missing.

"He must be sleeping. One of you guys should go get him." Shiro spoke up, also scanning the dining table.

No one said anything until Keith spoke up, "I guess I could go get him."

Standing up Keith grabbed a bowl space goo for Lance and left the dining room to go find the lanky Blue Paladin.


"Lance...? Are you in here?" Keith knocked on the door of Lance's room. Surprisingly, it opened at Keith's touch. 

"Lance-" Keith began to speak again, setting the bowl of space good onto the table before turning to Lance's bed and just seeing Lance on the bed made his heart stop.

"L-Lance...?" Keith rushed towards the bed, trying to feel a pulse amidst the blood on Lance's skin.

"K-Keith....?" Lance allowed his eyes to flutter open, the blue eyes staring at him. 

"Lance...? What happened?" Keith's heart was beating ever so fast, his thoughts were assuming the worse.

Lance let out a weak chuckle, "I-I guess that I-I happened..."

Keith felt his heart drop to the floor, "What do you mean...?"

"I mean that I was tired of everything... I couldn't deal with it anymore." Lance mumbled, his eyes dulling, "I'm sorry, I'm so sorry..."

"It's okay, It's okay Lance. You'll make it out alive." Keith gingerly picked Lance up and rushed towards the med bay.

"You know how there's a saying about how you're never supposed to wear white after Labor Day...?" Lance mumbled quietly, his eyes looking right at Keith's who were filled with worry, "I guess that's why I'm wearing red today." 

Keith felt his heart drop any further if that was possible, "Oh Lance... You'll be okay."

To be honest, Keith wasn't sure if Lance was going to be okay. All Keith had to do was believe that he was going to be okay and maybe Lance would be.


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