I'll sleep when you guys take better care of yourselves

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Prompt - Oops, look at me, two no three (go read my new story please) new stories in one day?!? Wowie. Anyway, Lance never sleeps unless everyone else is asleep and that usually only leaves him with a hour or two of sleep.

I've also noticed that my stories are getting longer or so my oneshots and it makes me happy.


Not getting enough sleep back on Earth because of his family not sleeping because of stress or projects was not a unfamiliar thing to Lance. 

Lance's family and siblings usually stayed up late into the wee hours into the morning if Lance didn't force them to go to bed.

His mama and papa usually stayed up all night fretting about taxes and bills that piled up quickly with seven children. 

His older siblings stayed up doing homework or coming home extremely late from doing over-time at their jobs to support their family.

Lance's younger siblings never had much to worry about taxes, working late or hard work to do but they were incredibly stubborn when the elder people were busy, Lance was the one to put them or try to put them to bed at a decent time. 

Don't get Lance wrong, they had enough money to get by but sometimes bills just pile up to fast and it gets too stressful for everyone who was old enough to understand some of the struggles that the family was going through.

With more than eight people to put to bed, Lance barely got enough sleep for himself for the next day. 

None the less, Lance did it happily. It was the only way that he could help out his family, he couldn't do taxes, he didn't have a lot of work to do nor was he old enough to have a job. This is what he could do for his family and it was fine.


When Lance and the others who got shot into space and they all went to bed or all but one. Lance couldn't sleep. Maybe him staying up all night every night back on Earth had some issues in the long run.

Swinging his legs over the side of his cramped bed, he quickly put on his shoes and cargo jackets before opening the door to go on a walk.

During his walk, he heard the sound of fingers on a keyboard, typing furiously, "Pidge... What are you doing up, what time even is it...?"

Pidge pushed her glasses up her nose, the glare from the computer light reflecting against lenses, "Oh Lance, why are you up? It's almost two in the morning or well, castle time wise." 

"I could be asking you the same thing to you." Lance walked closer to the Green Paladin. 

"Working on something, your turn." Pidge barely gave Lance a second glance as they turned to their computer again.

"Couldn't sleep anymore. Now let's get you to bed."  Lance didn't give it a second thought as he picked up Pidge, deciding not to throw them over his shoulder, he just held her like a princess.

"Put me down tall ass!" Pidge flailed about, trying to get out of Lance tight grip but didn't have any luck.

"Pidge, if I let you stay up all night Allura would have my skin as a rug in her quarters because you didn't get any sleep." Lance stated matter-of-factly, "Come on now, I'll be sure to turn off your computer and bring it to you in the morning."

"It's already morning Lance." Pidge scowled as she crossed her arms but stopped flailing.

"Details, Details. You'll get it back when you wake you later." Lance walked softly, making sure that his feet didn't make any loud noises against the metal flooring.

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