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The second part of Suicide Mission written by one of my lovely editors! They are much better getting out second parts of stories!!


The news of the death of the Blue Paladin spread quickly through the universe.

At first the Paladin's thought it was all a big joke. Maybe the jokester of a paladin had made everyone to act as if he had died?

Only Allura knew that what everyone was saying was true. After all, it was her that had made him set up the bomb. She knew that he had a very low chance of surviving and sent him to...have peace and quiet.

But only now was she realizing that it was a very bad idea. What she hadn't realized was that the Blue Paladin was the "heart" of the team.

She felt awful. For days she was locked away in her room and only talking to the mice. When she had told her friends about what she did she was unaware of the listening ears.

Pidge has covered her mouth in shock. Tears dropped silently down her face as the friend she had considered a "big brother" was dead. And it was all Allura's fault.

As she walked to her room she stared at the tiny blue box in her hands and her eyes welled up with more tears. Inside was a picture of him with his arms around her and a little note that said "I love you!"

A few days later Allura replaced Lance as the new Blue Paladin everyone seemed to think she was better than the former they had one known. All except Pidge.

She seethed with hatred for the female. She vowed to get her revenge and once she did, she didn't feel any regret because she done the thing she wanted to do most.

She had avenged her big brother's death and nobody would ever find out...

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