Baby It's Cold Outside

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Prompt - Lance has never seen snow before and Pidge takes it upon herself to change that. Platonic or Romantic Plane idk ://


Lance had a confession to make - besides the fact that Lance ate the rest of Hunk's space spaghetti (he doesn't need to know that so hush hush) - so now he had two confessions to make, one was that he ate Hunk's food and that he has never seen snow.

Lance was born and raised in Cuba all his life before moving to Arizona for the Garrison. Both places that could easily reach 90 degrees in winter and easily 100 degrees in the summers so no snow there.

Most people who live or have lived in warm places might have seen snow on tvs on Christmas tv specials (Which Lance has also not celebrated) but being from the more poor part of Cuba they didn't have a nice tv or those fancy american channels.

Even though Lance moved to America where he was both excited to go to the Garrison and maybe to see some snow, even if it was on the tv. But sadly the Garrison didn't have that much tv's so seeing snow was a no go.

Though not being able to see snow wasn't a possibility for him Lance could still hope and imagine what snow was like. He knows that snow is just a frozen version of water but what was it like to play in? Was it soft?

Thankfully Lance had Hunk who at least seen snow on tv so he could at least describe it but Lance wanted more.


When Lance and everyone else got launched into space, the first few reaction that he was actually in space, and he might be able to see snow here. It was cold enough for snow to form right? Lance never really paid attention to small things like this, all he knew that it was cold and you can't breath in space. And now there were furry purple space fucks that want to kill them. Just wonderful.

Soon after the shock of that they were all in space and that there was a super pretty space princess and fighting against the furry purple space fucks, Lance felt ready to pass out.

Should he also mention the fact that even after saving an innocent race of aliens, people? Lance nearly died after saving Allura's advisor Coran. When Lance woke up everyone was having a clock party to find out that Pidge is a girl? How long had he been in that cryopod? And everyone knew? What the absolute fuck?


"Okay guys, Allura just told us there is a planet that is willing to make an alliance with us." Shiro says as he smiles warmly as Lance just groaned.

"Can we really not? I'm tired and I just want to sleep." Lance just spoke, making sure that he didn't rest his face in the green space goo that the paladins called food.

"No Lance. We must all be there, that is was the natives request." Shiro replied, rubbing the bridge of his nose.

"What's the planet like?" Hunk asked after taking a bite of food, "I just want to make sure that we are in fact not going into the belly of another alien."

"No worries number one! This adventure is in fact not in a belly of a beast! You all shall be fine." Coran said cheerfully.

"Y'all." Pidge said under her breath, jabbing her elbow into Keith's side who just scoffed.

"Anyway, the planet is covered in snow." Shiro spoke before getting interrupted by Pidge who said it must of been like Wisconsin, "Anyway, it is very cold and almost constantly snowing. But luckily our suits can hold in our body heat and still keep us warm."

With the words of snow, Lance's head shot up, "What? What in the fresh hell is snow."

There was a pregnant silence before there was laughter, "Please tell me you are joking? Everyone knows what snow is!" Keith laughed or rather Lance wanted it to be a laugh.

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