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Prompt - Some langsty group chat. I'm so sorry. Btw it's a college AU cause I'm a slut for college and group chat AUs. Honestly I am so sorry, but you guys didn't have as angsty of fics so have a whole shit-ton of them.

Warnings - A lot of swearing

Also, I am looking for a few editors! If you are interested, please message me so that we can work things out! One thing before you can talk about my editor, you must have an Instagram just so it is easier to message back and forth! So please, if you are interested, please message me!


Hacker Voice added Queef, Pure Sunshine Boi, Loverboi Lance, Dad voice ™, Cornbread and Goddess to Fuckkkkkkkkkkkk

Queef: Why am I here.

Pure Sunshine Boi: Don't you love us though?

Queef: No, I hate all of you.

Pure Sunshine Boi: </3


Queef: I hate all of you besides Hunk.

Pure Sunshine Boi: <3

Dad Voice™: Keith be nice.

Hacker Voice: Yea Keith, be nice to us. Mostly me cause I was the one who added you to this hellhole.

Goddess: You can't get mad at me cause I'm the definition of perfection. Also, Coran's phone is lost, so he says hello.

Pure Sunshine Boi: I just got home and our house is spotless? Who did this?

Pure Sunshine Boi sent a photo

Hacker Voice: It wasn't me, I'm at the library.

Goddess: Damn, whoever cleaned that house, I want them to clean mine.

Loverboi Lance: 'Llura, I already clean your house.

Dad Voice™: Please come and clean our house, Keith can't clean if his life depended on it.

Queef: >:( Rude.

Pure Sunshine Boi: Lance, how much sleep did you get?

Loverboi Lance: I didn't????

Pure Sunshine Boi: Why?? D:

Loverboi Lance: Cause Pidge is a slob and I will not live in these conditions!


Pure Sunshine Boi invited Loverboi Lance to a private chat

Pure Sunshine Boi named the private chat to Concerned Bro

Pure Sunshine Boi: What's wrong Lance? You never go into a deep clean unless something is wrong.

Loverboi Lance is typing

Loverboi Lance: It's just a n x i e t y and d e p r e s s i o n

Pure Sunshine Boi: Is that it? Did you even take your pills??

Loverboi Lance: I ran out and they won't get anymore until next month...

Pure Sunshine Boi: I'm sorry buddy, do you want to binge watch the Office tonight?

Loverboi Lance: Can we also have some chocolate chip cookies? I don't really want Pidge to see me in this state...

Pure Sunshine Boi: You got it buddy. You can go take a nap now, I'll wake you up when the cookies are done.

Loverboi Lance: Save me the cookie dough?

Pure Sunshine Boi: Of course.


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