Reach for the Stars

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Prompt - Tol Lance that's it. A very tol and insecure Lance

I'm not exactly proud of the ending but you know.... It's me and my writing is absolute shit. :)


Lance always has been tall and was still growing from the last time he had a doctor's appointment. He was taller than most kids in his grade and most adults. And dear lord being taller than some kids had some advantages: like he could reach the cookie jar on the very top shelf or help kids out when they were getting bullied. Lance's height was quite intimidating even though once you get to know Lance, he was one of the sweetest kids in the grade, even ask the lovable Hunk Garrett. A sweet boy with skin darker than Lance's own. He was much shorter than Lance -which was expected - but was a little fuller than the rest of the grade. But even then Lance loved him the way he was.

Though Lance was had one very close friend that Lance could count as family and a couple others there were people who weren't friends with Lance that often beat him up considering his height.

Lance often lost count how many days Lance came home bloody and bruised, probably more times than on all his family members fingers and Lance had a very big family, nine people living under one roof - that's like ninety fingers!

Over time Lance learned over time that he should just hunch down and over making himself look small, make himself look...Normal.

Overtime Lance just seemed so normal that no one suspected a thing. To the naked eye Lance was a normal cheery boy who flirted one to many times with people. But Hunk still remembered the boy's actual height, Hunk remembered how many times he worried through the night after Lance's mother called him informing him that Lance was laying on the kitchen counter, his family taking care of his open wounds. It hurt Hunk so much, hearing about how Lance was practically abused by other students. Hunk really didn't know what to do now. All Hunk can do is help Lance when he needed it and support Lance - even if it was stupid.


Over the years after Lance started to slouch to look normal even though he was still taller than most males he was considered normal (even though Hunk was taller than him or rather Hunk was taller than him when he was slouching, Lance was taller and personally will always be taller than Hunk.) Lance probably had a really bad back problems after slouching so much and it really hurt to stand up straight in their own dorms even to lay down in his bed when it was time for bed.

Dear lord it hurt but it was worth it. Lance wasn't sure if any of the cadets would make fun of Lance for being really tall, but considering how much Iverson picked each and every flaws that Lance had (even though Hunk always told Lance how amazing he was) and how Iverson pointed out every little thing that Iverson seemed fit to be wrong. Ranging from his accent to Lance hesitating while speaking trying to find the correct word to say or taking his time to read textbooks and homework in English and translating it into Spanish. Desperately trying his best not wanting to seem weak and ask for help.


When Lance and the other four people got shot up into space Lance felt like he could actually stand up straight but Lance thought wrong or rather could stand up straight but it actually just hurt after slouching for so long for so many years. It hurt so much that he actually had Hunk just to hold him, okay so Lance always had Hunk carry him but Lance wanted more cuddles so sue him.

Either way Lance stayed the same height or maybe he grew a few inches over the past years or maybe he stayed the same, Lance didn't know.

Once again Lance wanted to stand up straight but maybe now wasn't the time, maybe some time soon but not now.


"Paladins! Please report to the pod room!" Allura's voice rang out through the coms making Lance drop the nail file that he was holding or rather the alien version of it. Oh sue him, let a man have nice nails!

Either way Lance stood up, of course cracking his sore back before heading over the pod room. Lance didn't think that he couldn't thank another scolding from Allura herself.

"Hello Princess! What can I, Lancey-Lance do to help you?" Lance asked as he winked at Allura who just rolled her eyes.

"Alright everyone, we're going to a fest hosted by one of our allies and seeing you eat sometimes can be quite... disturbing..." Allura said as her voice trailed off, eyeing each and everyone of them, "So us two are here to teach you proper manners!"

"What are you talking about? Everyone," Lance gestured to Keith, Hunk, Pidge and himself, "but Shiro have pretty good manners."

Shiro rubbed the back of his neck, "Either way we should do it, it'll help us."

Lance just groaned rubbing his eyes looking at Shiro tiredly, "Fine... I'll put up with this for now..."

"Wonderful!" Allura clapped her hands together with a smile, "It's been so long since I had a feast like this! First things first, we'll work on your posture, Coran will be scanning you five to see if you are slouching!"

Almost immediately Pidge and Keith straitened up while Hunk and Shiro stood normally. Leave it to both of the goody-two shoes to always be having good posture.

"Okay, Hunk and Shiro per usual have great posture but you Keith and Pidge need to keep standing straight!" Coran smiled, glancing over the four.

"Like Keith can be straight in general." Lance mumbled half to himself but loud enough so that at least Hunk or Keith could hear it. Which he got a laugh from Hunk and a glare from Keith.

And now Coran turned to Lance, "Lance, you must stop slouching as well! From the looks of it you've been slouching for years and if you keep it up you'll have health problems!"

Lance took in a sharp inhale as he looked at Hunk who spoke up, "Wait, Lance you're still slouching? Jeez man, it's been years since fourth grade!"

"Hunkkk... Do I have to stand straight up-?" Lance started to speak before Hunk interrupted him, "Stand up straight Lance, no one will make fun of you."

Lance crossed his arms and pouted before leaning back to crack his back before standing straight, "Jesus christ, I feel like a changed man."

Though Hunk was right over that no one will make fun of him for his natural height, Lance still found himself wanting to hunch over back to his quote unquote original height. It felt really weird, Lance was so used to having to look up at Hunk and Shiro when he was talking to them but now Lance had to look down at them.

"Okay man, where are the stilts?" Pidge walked up to Lance and stared at Lance's legs.

"Awww... You're so tiny!" Lance effortlessly picked Pidge up to actually look her in the eyes.

"Why, no rather how did you grow so much in less than a tick?" Allura marveled at Lance with wide eyes.

"I didn't just grow now! I was always this tall, no scratch that, I was always tall! You're all so small, how did I live as a normal sized human, my back feels amazing!" Lance still head Pidge in his arms who was very much wiggling, "I bet you guys, besides Hunk, want to know the story."

Hunk just smiled, happy for his best friend, happy that Lance had trusted everyone enough to actually tell them about his secret. Even if it was against his will a little.


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