Some Secrets Come Out in Unwanted Ways

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I have a new prompt that I just came up with so please enjoy the new langst one shot!

Prompt - What if Keith and Lance got in a fight at the Garrison and when they ware about to save Shiro Lance just freezes up when he sees Keith, remembering what happened.But Keith doesn't remember what the heck he did to Lance or remember Lance in general.So Lance is really scared to be near Keith and always near someone else when Keith is in the room and when they are alone, Lance just leaves the room with no explanations.How everyone finds out is by mind meld. 

I am also very sorry about all the time skips! I'm just too lazy to write all the speaking until they get to the mind meld. There is also an open ending so if you would like me to make another chapter of this, just ask!


Lance didn't mean to freeze up and start having a mild panic attack with a war inside of his head when he saw Keith. Just seeing his out-dated mullet made Lance want to cry like he did all those few months ago.

But Hunk and Pidge were here and Lance couldn't just break down when seeing someone. Clearing his throat, Lance spoke up hoping that his voice wouldn't shake, "Nope. No, you - No, no, no. No, you don't. I'm saving Shiro."

"Who are you?" Keith looked at Lance with a confused face with something else behind the confusion.

Part of Lance was happy that Keith didn't remember Lance but the other part of Lance was sad that Keith did't recognize him, it wasn't that Lance was compared to him all the time.

"Besides the point Mullet. Lets just get Shiro out of here." Lance decided not to say his name, his name wasn't important and if he gave his name he was worried that Keith might beat him up again.

"You're right, come on, lets get him on my hover bike." Keith spoke again, lugging Shiro outside and to his hover bike.

"Is there going to be enough room for everyone?" Hunk asked, his anxiety clear in his voice.

"Nope, we gotta toss out some non-essential weight." Keith threw a look over his shoulder, looking at the other three and the unconscious Shiro.

Lance felt his mood dampen even more then it already has. He wasn't sure but he felt like that, that insult was directed at him.

"Big guy lean to the left!" Keith broke through his thoughts, speaking to Hunk to did so.


Lance didn't remember much of the ride back to Keith's little hut in the desert. He was mainly focused on not having a panic attack with just being around Keith.

In the little hut of Keith's Lance stood close to the door, pressing himself against the wall desperately trying to put as much as distance between Keith and Lance without being suspicious.

Lance studied everyone's face as everyone introduced themselves to Shiro who just woke up. "What is this? Some sort of cryptid board?" Pidge pushed up his glasses that were slipping down his nose.

Keith scoffed, "Of course not. There is some sort of energy pull that is around here and there's some sort of lion cave drawings on the wall in the well, cave."

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