Then There Were Three

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Prompt - So this was asked by @coranthegorgeousman_

Haggar Captures all of the Paladins and forces Lance to choose whether or not to kill Pidge and Shiro or Keith and Hunk. Lance regretfully chooses to save Keith and Hunk, but Haggar kills the two and lets the three go. Pidge and Shiro have to live with the fact that Lance would let them die instead.

I'm not much of a crier. But I cried, guess I'm going to bed crying. Like no shit, I think this is the saddest one that I wrote so far.


"Choose wisely Blue Paladin. Your friends lives rest in your hands." Haggar smiled wickedly under her cloak as she watched Lance have an internal war between his four friends.

Lance had to choose two, two of his friends. Two that would live and two that would die. He wasn't sure if that he could say himself and the witch herself or that if he had a time limit but everything was coming down to Lance and the screams of his friends.

"I-I want to save Keith and Hunk..." The minute that those seven words left Lance's mouth, he instantly regretted them. He saw the fear in their eyes, he saw the pain in their eyes. He saw everything and that made him want to be blind. How could he choose between his hero and a little sister to his best friend and... Keith, Keith oh Keith. Lance didn't know what to say about him, he couldn't justify why he wanted Keith to live, he was supposed to hate him! But yet, he didn't...

Haggar began to laugh, her laugh growing louder and louder before lightning came out of her twisted purple hands, "Oh Blue Paladin. You made a mistake."

Lance was confused at first before Haggar brought down her hands onto Keith's and Hunk's back, killing them.

Lance didn't know who was screaming anymore, was it him, was it Pidge and Shiro or was it Hunk's and Keith's? Nothing mattered anymore, everything fell deaf on his ears, he killed his friends.... He killed his friends... HE KILLED HIS FRIENDS AND HE DIDN'T DO ANYTHING TO STOP THE WITCH! He-He killed them, he was a murderer. 


Pidge was numb. She didn't know what to think anymore. Lance was going to let her and Shiro die over Keith and Hunk. She had just watched two of her best friends and Lance was going to kill her instead!

He could of done anything but instead he complied to Haggar's rules and decided to kill her!

She had things to do, she had places to go, people to see! Her mother might think she was dead, but to actually go back to Earth dead and all because of Lance was unacceptable. She still had to fine Matt and her Father!


Shiro didn't know what to feel. He felt nothing.

He wasn't a stranger of seeing people or aliens getting killed right of him. But to see his adoptive brother and one of his close friends and have another one of his close friends basically choose that he and Pidge were the ones who were supposed to die, not Keith and Hunk.


Lance wished that he was the one that was dead, not Keith. Not Hunk. Just Lance. Just Lance waiting for everyone else to come join him in Heaven when their time came, not the other way around. He needed them, he needed everyone, but now two of them were gone and most certainly the other two would hate him for choosing them to die then the other two.


Pidge couldn't take it anymore, no one was talking about Keith's and Hunk's death. Sure it was still fresh in their minds, but they deserve better then just silence from the remaining three Paladins. And Lance, oh just hearing the name of the Blue Paladin made her blood boil. Something needed to happen to him, he couldn't just get off of killing not one but two of their friends! Even if he didn't physically kill them, he still did kill him.

No one had said a word to Lance for the past week and Lance didn't say a word to the others as well. He spent most of his time either in his room or talking to Blue mentally.

Pidge couldn't take it anymore, she couldn't handle the silence, she couldn't handle the heavy cloud of depression, remorse, sadness, the list goes on and on inside the castle. She couldn't take it anymore. She was going to grab Lance and drag his skinny ass out of hiding so that both Shiro and her could yell at him.


"Lance! Why in the absolute hell did you want me and Shiro to die!?! Do you hate us that much?" Pidge yelled as Lance cowered, damn it, she felt close to tears.

"Pidge..." Shiro try to calm the Green Paladin though he could understand her anger.

"I-It's okay... She has a right to be angry..." Lance spoke up, his voice sounding rough as if he didn't speak at all, only opening his mouth to sob.

"You're damn right I do! I'm going to count to three before I start killing you myself! You better fess up!" Pidge screeched, making both Lance and Shiro flinch.

"I-I promised Hunk... Long, Long-Long ago... I promised him that I would bring him home to his mother after the war is done, I promised him that everything would be okay and that everyone would make it out alive... I-I guess I broke that promise to him." Lance let out a watery chuckle as he wiped his face and eyes, openly crying, "I promised. I promised, I promised to him... And I broke it, what kind of friend am I...?"

Lance sounded like a broken record just telling the two about Hunk. Pidge felt bad for Lance yet he was the one who did this technically. 

"A-And what about Keith...?" Shiro's voice was quiet, as if he was afraid to ask about the former Red Paladin, afraid he was going to set off a human bomb of emotions.

"Oh God... Oh God Keith..." Lance's voice broke, "I loved him... I loved him, I loved him, I loved him and yet I was the cause of his death!" Lance cried, covering his face with his hands. No one knew if he was hiding his blush about confessing or hiding his tears.

No one missed the last thing that Lance mumbled, "I should be the one who's dead. Not them..."

And yet, no one said a word.


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