Soon enough, Slowly and Surely

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Prompt - Basically a vent fic with anorexic Lance.

Major Trigger warning, if you deal with anorexia, please do not read this. This one shot will have a lot of triggering content!


It was the same thing everyday at his home. Lance would lock himself away in his small room, hiding away from his parents who would often yell at him. Their motives made Lance confused; he did his chores, which, if he was to be honest, were not his to begin with. Lance tried to get good grades and do his homework in time, but with a job, trying to support himself with clothes and the occasional small snack, Lance barely had time to do his homework and on top of that, he was just confused with everything.

To add on to all of his problems, Lance couldn't stomach a thing, he only did once a week and even then he felt like he was going to puke if he ate any more than that. It was an endless loop. That's how Lance lived, if you could even call that living. Not eating and trying to act like everything was okay in Lance's own mind was all he could do.


Lance stood in front of his dirty bathroom mirror -he should really clean that soon, but that is besides the point- Lance stared at his stomach as he stood straight, internally criticizing himself. He was too fat. He could squish the fat of his thighs. That was too much for Lance's liking.

Making his way out of the bathroom, he put his jacket on. He didn't even bother eating something; he didn't deserve it, of course. As he swung his heavy backpack over his shoulder, he made a mad dash to the school.


"Good morning, Mullet head~!" Lance smirked as he threw an arm over Hunk's shoulder. He refused to even look at the breakfast burrito that Keith was holding.

"My hair is not a mullet." Keith pouted as he touched his hair self consciously before taking a bite of his burrito. His eyes looked over the tall Cuban boy before him with a hint of concern. "You okay Lance? You look a little... ill..."

Lance grimaced at how Keith noticed how he looked so pale and sickly. "Well excuse you mullet. I am currently running on five hours asleep with  work and homework.  Not all of us can be naturally pretty like Hunk."

"You just want me to do your chem homework, but thank you for the compliment." Hunk rolled his eyes and Lance put a hand to his chest.

"I am appalled that you would actually think that of me! ...You are honestly correct, please help me on number ten." Lance pleaded, giving Hunk his best puppy-eyes. "If I don't get this, I'll fail the test!"

"Fine... But you'll help me with spanish! I have no clue what to do!" Hunk wailed as he waved his other hand in the air.

"You got it my bro man!" Lance smiled, happy to know that his first language came handy to his friends.

"Bro, you have no clue how much I love you." Hunk sighed, also happy to know that his best friend knew spanish as his first language.

"You two disgust me. Why am I even  your friends?" Pidge walked up to the three with a look of disgust directed to the two bros.

"Because one, you love us, two, you need help with Spanish." Lance stated with a smirk, "And hey, my best bro Hunk needs all the love in the world because god damn, he is the best person in the world!"

"Thank you Lance, but I honestly need that Spanish homework done now. I have Spanish next period and I can't fail it!" Hunk cried shaking Lance by the shoulders.

"I got you Hunk. Just let Lancey-Lance teach you and you'll have an A++ in that class!" Lance spoke, pointing a thumb at his chest.

"Don't get too cocky Loverboy Lance. You said that you needed help with chem from Hunk." Keith scoffed at Lance's cockiness.

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