Aesthetically Pleasing

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Prompt - Pastel Lance and Punk Keith.

It's kinda fast paced because I couldn't really figure out what I was doing with this one shot so,,,


Meet your new friend, Keith. Keith is... different from the other students in his college. Did that stop him? No, not at all. He liked his look, he liked the multiple piercings that adorned his face, he liked his choice of clothes and to be honest, that was all that Keith technically had in his small closet. In a nutshell, he liked the tattoos that snaked up his arm and to his neck. Keith was a punk and he doubted that anything could change that.

On the opposite side of the moon - the lighter side- there's Lance. Lance was the complete opposite of Keith, Lance is  a boy who finds happiness in soft colours that often are brighter than everyone else wears, making him stand out more than the next person in the line for Starbucks. Lance was the kind of guy who would wear flower crowns and even make them for himself -at one point, he had a black market of making flower crowns for people (mainly girls going to concerts and Coachella) and in return, help with homework or maybe even a couple smuggled fries. Needless to say, flower crowns were banned from his high school. Lance was the kind of guy who believes in aliens, no not the stories that people tell who got 'abducted', Lance just believed that there is probably life out in space. Lance was the guy who wore makeup which had nothing wrong with it, Lance didn't go over the top, he just wore eyeliner and the occasional concealer to cover up any rare but annoying pimples.

Both Keith and Lance are total opposites with nothing alike though besides a single class. Astronomy.


"Come on Pidgey! I told you that I would treat you to coffee so what would you like?" Lance flashed a grin to the smaller girl who seemed focused on something on her phone.

"Grande black coffee please." Pidge said not even looking up from her phone, "I have four hours of straight classes so I'm going to need a lot of caffeine. Don't give me that look McClain."

Lance wiped the disgusted look off his face after ordering the little gremlin's coffee and his own, less disgusting drink.

"So Pidge, do you fancy anyone?" Lance asked casually as he started his car, making sure that Pidge put her seat belt on. He did not want to be responsible for a dead Pidge.

"Besides death no one. How about you? Who's  your major crush of the week?" Pidge rolled her eyes as she put her phone down and watched Lance with an eyebrow raised.

"Why do you think I have a major crush every week? I am betrayed." Lance put a hand to his chest as he pulled out of the parking lot, "If you are so interested, there is a guy who is kinda cute."

"Who? Tell me, I demand to know." Pidge took a large sip of her drink making Lance wince and wonder how she could drink that crap.

"I don't really know his name but I think he's in my astronomy class." Lance tapped his chin thoughtfully, absent-mindedly humming along to the song on the radio, "He's kinda of an emo. Not like, 'It's not a phase mom, it's who am' he's like 'This is my lifestyle and I'm going to go over the top'. It's freaky!!"

Pidge made a look of interest, or disgust, Lance couldn't tell. "Wait! Doesn't he have a mullet?"

"Oh god... OH GOD! HOW CAN I LOVE SOMEONE WHEN THEY HAVE A MULLET!?" Lance yelled, and nearly rammed the back of a car that was in front of them.

That statement made Pidge burst out laughing, "How can you even like him? You never talked to him and your clothing choices are completely different! Plus you're classes haven't even started yet! How can you know him? Have you been stalking him you fucking walnut!"

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