Those Last Forever You Know

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Prompt - Lance with a lot of tattoos on his arms and hands though he hides them cause he didn't want to seem unprofessional and tattoos are not allowed at the Garrison.


In retrospect, Lance knew that getting a tattoo at age thirteen was in fact not a good idea even before his mama grounded him for it. But once again, he didn't regret a thing. He liked the small cluster of stars on his lower back. He liked it and he wanted more. Sure, he didn't get them done professionally, tattoos that were done by a trained artist were expensive. Lance's family didn't have the money for a stupid professional tattoo.

As the years went by, Lance kept getting tattoos. They were small ones that could be covered by his sleeves. As he got more, his mother learned to love them as much as Lance loved them himself and it even got to a point where his mother designed a few of his tattoos and made a few herself.  

Basically, all the tattoos that Lance had were based off of space or something that he loved to do.

He had the constellation of Leo the Lion on the inner wrist on his left hand, he had a small gun on his thigh which was designed by his mama and in honour for his dad who was a sharpshooter in the war. He was only thirteen when he got those. At the age of fourteen, as cliche as it sounded, he had his mama design a flower on his upper back and to be honest, his mama did a damn fine job. After another year, he had gotten four more tattoos. One that matched with his mama -that took a lot of persuading for her to get one- which was yin and yang. The other three were all something to do with water and stars. Lance often laughed on how his tattoos seemed to have a water and star theme.

At the age of sixteen, Lance stopped getting tattoos because that's when Lance applied to the Garrison. Sadly, there was a rule that you could not have any tattoos. As much as Lance wish to get into the Garrison, he loved his tattoos and he would rather have the commanders yell at him then to get his tattoos removed.  Lance made a vow to wear long sleeve shirts or the uniform to the Garrison. If Lance stayed true to the vow, he would never get caught.

As stupid as it sounded, Lance brought his stick and poke kit wherever he went. It was just a sharpie and a needle so it could easily fit in Lance's jacket pocket, a place where no one would think of someone having a tattoo kit.

Even though the Garrison didn't allow tattoos, that didn't stop Lance from making them. Lance knew that he shouldn't do it too often because he was often very sore after doing one. Being sore was noticeable and people would start to get worried. Lance didn't mind the worried glances or the odd looks that were directed towards him, Lance was just happy to do the thing that he loved to do and was good at.

It all started with meeting Hunk to be honest, the two boys connected immediately and as fast as it was, both boys dubbed one another their best friend forever. And in honor of Hunk, Lance got the constellation of Hunk's star sign right under Lance's own star sign tattoo. Hunk never knew but Lance always hinted that once they both graduate or rather, by Lance's words get out of this hellhole, They'll both get matching tattoos. Hunk was skeptical at first he he agreed but only if it was a small one and Lance just smiled and nodded. A small one is better than none.

The second tattoo was of Pidge's star sign and damn, Lance's whole arm was going to be full of constellations if Lance didn't stop making best friends.

Lance debated asking Keith what his star sign was too because to be honest, Lance just wanted to be his friend but Keith was always too far away to reach and was always one-upping Lance. When Keith dropped out and Lance was moved up to fighter pilot, Lance saw this as an opportunity to get to know Keith but sadly, Lance was always reminded that he was just a replacement because the Garrison's star pilot had discipline issues.

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