Fairy Lights

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Prompt - Alteans don't blush, their little markings light up depending on how flustered they get!

Allurance and also for my friends  late birthday (langstdreams). And I also promised this to be for another friend(SupahSassy). I am very aware that I am a shit head for getting this way past your birthday ://


When Allura first came out of her 10,000 year sleep. Her first thoughts of the new paladins were quite... Underwhelming. Especially with the new Blue Paladin, Lance. To be fair, he did have the same kind of characteristics as the old Blue Paladin, Blaytz.

And dear lord, their ears were hideous! Why did they have rounded ears instead of pointed ears? She understands that they are of a difference species but did they have to look that bad?

Though the earthlings' ears were ugly and Lance was intolerable, Allura did find him quite cute...

Another thing that Allura didn't quite understand was that the new Paladins didn't have the marking under their eyes. How would one know if they were embarrassed? How did the Paladins know how one another was feeling? Were they connected mentally, or was it something involving movement?

Allura would never understand Earthlings without help. She got very upset when she got something wrong and it made her not want to continue her learning on the subject. Though, she supposed, if she was being taught by Lance, she wouldn't mind putting up with a little failure.


"Allura, may I speak to you privately?" Coran placed a hand on her shoulder, jolting her out of her day dream.

"What is it, Coran?" Allura asks, looking at her advisor as she shifted her gaze from a specific Blue Paladin. She pushed back the embarrassment drawn from being caught staring and cleared her throat slightly.

"Just come out to the hall with me. It's dire." Coran spoke quietly, making sure that he didn't alert any other paladins. By the way he was acting, Allura knew something was up.

Instead of making a fuss, the princess just nodded and followed silently, curiosity tearing at her from inside.

"Coran? What's wrong?"  Allura's eyes quickly went between Coran before looking at Lance. Though she was distracted by Coran clearing his throat.

"This exactly, your marks," Coran gestured to his own marks, "They're glowing."

Allura placed her hands over her marks, now self-conscious. "Did the other Paladins notice...?"

"I don't think so. If they did, they wouldn't say anything considering they don't know what it means." Coran twisted his ginger mustache, looking like he was deep in thought, "Is there a reason why your marks are acting up like this?"

Allura watched as the hallway illuminated with a soft pink light. She averted her gaze from Coran's own. She felt like she was getting the 'talk' that the Paladins got when they were of age. Whatever that meant.

"Yes, no, I'm unsure," The younger of the two mumbled, her eyes downcast.

"Is it someone on the ship, Princess?" Coran looked at the princess, his eyes full of worry, "Either way, I support you and whoever you choose."

Allura smiled softly, grateful for her advisor to be understanding. "I'll be sure to talk to them on a later date. Hopefully they'll understand."

Coran just smiled before patting Allura's snow white hair. "I trust you. I'll support whatever you decide, Allura."


Allura sat on the bridge, staring out at the stars. It seemed that she had everything under control, but internally...everything was not okay. Lance was also not helping her situation with trying to figure out her feelings. Sometimes being in war while having feelings for someone isn't very good.

"Allura? What are you doing up so late?" Lance's voice rang out, breaking her muddled thoughts.

"Oh Lance, what are you doing up around this time? Shouldn't you be asleep, you have training tomorrow or later today depending on the time."

 "I could say the same thing to you. Didn't Coran say that we all had to get a full nights of sleep?" Lance inquired, his head tilting to the side. His hair was just long enough so that it could be tucked behind his ear. Now that she had thought of it, Allura had a burning desire to do so.

Allura looked down, her marks lighting up the empty room, giving off a pink light. She wasn't sure if she was giving off light from being scolded by Lance or Lance being so near to her. "I just needed a place to think. I hope you don't mind."

"Nope, not at all. May I sit next to you? I also need a place to think." Lance stood besides Allura, waiting for her confirmation to sit down. When Allura nodded - a signal that he could sit - he looked at the walls, noticing the pink hue from before turning even brighter. It was now bright enough that if he looked out of the window to look at the constellations, he could only see the two of them. He was surprised when he noticed that the pink light was coming from Allura's cheek bones. At least, that's where Lance thought they were coming from.



The two said at the same time, earning giggles from Lance and an embarrassed look from Allura. "You go first, Lance."

"Um... alright." Lance took a deep breath, for all he knew he could be asking something super personal about Alteans. Maybe asking something like this could trigger a war between the remaining Alteans and the Human race! They would probably win because Alteans had more advanced technology than Earth. "Forgive me if I'm sounding really rude, I don't really want a war to go on between Alteans and Earth but... why are your cheekbones," Lance gestured to his own cheekbones to hint at the way they should be, "Glowing?"

With that question, the pink lighting turned vibrant, "It's not rude to ask, I understand if you just want to know about Alteans. When marks glow, it means we are embarrassed."

Lance fiddled with his fingers, wanting to bring his hood up over his face to hide his own cheek bones. "Then why does it happen only around me? Have I done something wrong?"

Allura was quick to stop Lance's depressing thoughts, "You didn't do anything wrong Lance! It's my fault..."

Lance looked at the Altean to the left of him, "How could you do anything wrong? You are a literal god-send on Earth."

Allura's eyes widened, both aware and unaware of what Lance meant by 'literal god-send on Earth', "I-I don't know what you mean by that Lance!" Allura watched as Lance opened his mouth. Taking a deep breath, Allura might as well tell Lance the reason why this is happening. "The only reason why I'm acting like this around you is because I really like you!  I don't know how to react around you because I'm afraid that if I slip up and somehow confess to you, I will find out that you won't feel the same towards me."

Lance himself felt his face heat up. He was still trying to process that Allura - an actual princess -  liked someone who was as below normal and average as him.

"I-I understand if you don't feel the same way but I just wanted to get that off of my chest, as you humans say it." Allura avoided eye contact with the Blue Paladin.

"No it's not that, I really do like you but I'm kinda amazed that all of my  flirting has finally paid off." Lance ran his fingers through his hair, "I'm really happy."

The princess just gave Lance a small smile in return, scooting closer and resting her head on the Cuban's shoulder. She felt immensely  thankful for the comfortable silence that they fell into.  

Allura was also thankful that she actually had the courage to confess to the taller male under the stars. She knew they were sometimes referred to as fairy lights from the stories that Lance had told her.


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