Hands Tied In Twine

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Prompt - Everyone is born with a red string tied to their smallest finger, they are tied to their soulmate. But what some people don't know is that you can have more than one string and sometimes you can have more than one string tied to their hands, it doesn't have to be a romantic, it can be platonic relationship, friendship. And sometimes you can have your string tied to your soulmate but your soulmate isn't tied to you, their tied to someone else.

Sorry that this isn't as long, my throat has been hurting because of the homecoming assembly today and all of the scream that I did really did a number on my throat. My class got third place if any of you were wondering! 


Lance was a people person, he was a loving, out going person. There was no hiding it, he made sure that people knew that. Lance was a a family person, he cared about his family and people he didn't know. If he saw you getting beat up or yelled at by someone and if he didn't even know you, he would stick up for you. He didn't care if you repaid him, he was just doing it because he cared about everyone. 

Even if Lance went away to the Garrison, away from his family back in Cuba, that didn't stop him from caring for them. He stayed up waiting for his little sisters to call him just so that he can tell them a story so that they were able to go to sleep. He would help with his sisters with their homework. He would talk with his older siblings and parents just so that they wouldn't stress over the smallest things. 

At the Garrison, if Lance ever saw you stressed out or in a tizzy, you can bet that he was there making a fool out of himself to make you smile. He would help anyone from the wrath of Iverson, he did it for Pidge and he would do it again and again if he ever makes it back to Earth from space.

Even though he was in space fighting off purple alien furries as he liked to call them. Lance never missed a beat when trying to cheer someone up.

Lance would have stupid debates with Pidge that he know that he'll lose, but he always manages to get her to smile and maybe even a giggle or two if he was a really big idiot.

Lance always would try Hunk's alien versions of Earth food. Even if they didn't taste the greatest or anything like the thing back on Earth, Lance would always eat it with a smile and tell him that he was the greatest cook on Earth and space because Lance knows that cooking is one of the last things that Hunk has to remind him of his family.

As much as Lance declared Keith as his rival, Lance deeply cared for his well being. Lance would always spar with him until Keith was tired just enough that Lance could make Keith laugh at almost anything. 

Lance would tell Shiro silly stories from when he was a child at made Shiro chuckle at Lance often asking questions about why and what happened after the story.

Lance would constantly pester at Allura until she finally agreed to have a spa night with him. It was always fun, Allura would tell him old fairy tales of Altea and Lane would do the same.

Coran would tell him stories of the Old Paladins and Lance would just laugh at the stories and allow Coran to tell the stories whenever he was feeling homesick from his old planet.

It didn't stop at the six in the castle, Lance would show kindness to the aliens and even the Garla from their battles. Though he got some odd looks and a glare or two from Keith, Lance always believes that someone deserves a second chance, even if they do something horrible. 

As much as Lance loved everyone and tried to show everyone that he did but six people and more than thousands of aliens that was too much for one teenager fighting in a war.


"Hello Paladins." Luxia bowed to the Paladins along with Coran and Allura.

Lance just smiled, his eyes shining as he looked around before breaking away from the group when he saw a smaller alien struggling with some boxes, "Excuse me ma'am but I must do something! Please let me help you!"

"O-Oh, you don't have to!" The smaller alien stuttered as they shifted the boxes trying not to let them topple over.

"Nope! I'm going to help you! You look like you need someone strong to help! The name's Lance." Lance winked but had nothing behind it besides friendliness as he took most of the boxes and went away to help the alien.

"Paladins, may I ask a question?" Luxia turned to the remaining Paladins who looked tired about Lance's antics.

"What is it your majesty?" Allura spoke up, trying not to show the queen her anger with Lance disappearing.

"Why does Lance have some many strings connected to his hands?" The queen titled her head and played with her own finger, staring at the twine that was connected to her finger.

"What do you mean? He doesn't have any string on his hands?" Hunk spoke up, looking rather confused.

"Oh! Do Earthlings not have the red string of fate? I might as well explain what it is." Luxia stood up and moved her hair away from her face, "The red string of fate has changed over the years to being just you being connected to your soulmate to being you being able to be connected to anyone you have a strong relationship with. And it seems that the Blue Paladin has strings connecting to all of you and much more, so much that the strings climb up his arm." 

"But- But I'm his best friend!" Hunk exclaimed, trying to find a way around this.

"That might be true but from what the stories that the string tells, your friend named Lance has done more than enough." Luxia touched each of the Paladin's fingers showing where their string was.

"And.... And we haven't been doing the same to him...?" Pidge spoke up, almost scared to speak.

"I wouldn't exactly state it like that but yes, you are correct." Luxia let her head hang, "You have basically nothing compared what Lance has done."

Keith clenched his fists together, glaring at the ground, "How can we fix it?"

"All I can tell you is try to do the same." Luxia started to speak before Lance came back.

"Hey guys! What did I miss?" Lance cheered as he fell back into step with the other Paladins, "I got this cool mark on my wrist from that alien! They said that it was a symbol for gratitude!" 

Luxia smiled warmly, "That's very good, when someone gives you symbol it means that they trust you with their life." Luxia stared at Lance's hand, looking at the new string on his wrist.

"Really? Cool~" Lance marveled at the mark.

"Come on now Paladins, we must be leaving now. It was wonderful to meet you your Majesty." Coran bowed once more before ushering the others out. 

"Princess, that is all I can recomend for now. Just treat Lance as he treats you and over time your hands will be tied with twine much like his." Luxia spoke to Allura just as she was leaving.

Allura smiled softly as she nodded in agreement and also showing her thanks, "Thank you Queen Luxia. Your words won't go to waste.


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