Suicide Mission

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Prompt: Lance is supposed to plant a bomb and get out. But when his exit gets blocked he sacrifices himself for his team.

This was written by one of my editors and I fucking love it. It's shorter than usually but I really love it so I hope that you guys like it too!


The dark was something that creeped Lance to no end.

It was especially creepy when Lance was alone - no team to back him up and no friends for him to find comfort in.

The other Paladin's had told him to plant a bomb and then get out as soon as he could.

What he figured out on his own was that he was probably not going to get back out as smoothly as he got in.

The whole empire was on high alert from the last attack that had happened just a day ago. Lance knew this was a suicide mission - maybe that's why the team sent him here? To get a replacement? It was something Lance mulled about as he walked down the empty corridor, bomb in hand.

He shivered as sounds of soldiers echoed through the ship. He knew he'd be meeting up with a patrol soon.

Setting the bombs timer to five minutes he placed the small object on the floor. It looked so harmless yet it could destroy the whole empire - or at least a good chunk of it.

Soon he was shooting at the patrol. The alarms started to ring. He checked the timer.

Forty seconds.




As he thought of all his happy memories before he perished he recalled that it was two of his favourite holidays.

It was his mother's birthday.

It was also Christmas.

He allowed a small smile to grace his lips. He could hear sentries running down the hall. They blocked all exits, their guns at the ready. They started to shoot, trying to figure out why he was here.

He could see one draw back. Their eyes zeroed in on the bomb. They tried to run to defuse it...

But they were not fast enough...



O N E.


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