A Burning Desire To Be Normal

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Prompt - Lance gets or has chemical burns on 75% of his body including his face.

This once again, was mentioned in my friends discord chat.
Once again, if you have any langst prompts, don't hesitate to ask me!


As long as Lance could remember, he always had the scars that covered more than half of his body, mainly his torso, arms and legs which could be covered by his clothing but as for his hands and a little bit of his face, he had to use concealer or wear gloves and a scarf.

His mama told him what happened when he got older and was actually able to understand what she meant. Apperently one of their family 'friends' was a druggie and actually made their own drugs. And no one knew until it was too late and Lance got severly burned by what ever they were mixing. Long story short, they were no longer the McClain's family friend.

Lance loved his scars, they were quite beautiful and as a child Lance always changed the story to every kid he met to saying that he got the scars from saving a family from a burning building to getting in a shark attack. Though he never told the kid what actually happened.

But as the years went by and as the kids got meaner, Lance became insecure of his scars. He still loved them but he always covered his hands and face now. After multiple hours of begging his mama to teach Lance on how to put on concealer correctly, she finally did. No one actually physically bullied him but there gazes and the words stung a little.

But now being in space was a thing and Lance had a good enough stock of concealer left over which could last him a few weeks, maybe even a month or two if he was careful.


"You know. I think we all deserve a break." Lance spoke up when everyone had a fleeting moment of peace and no training.

"But we're resting at the moment, what could you want now?" Keith spoke up, standing with his arms and legs crossed.

"No, I mean that we should go swimming!" Lance sat up a little straighter and began to use his hands to make motions.

Allura clapped her hands together, her eyes shining, "That's a great idea Lance! While it may be relaxing for you five, it could also be training!"

"Princess, I'm going to stop you right there. We are going to relax, all of us! All of us are going to go for a nice swim in your wacky swimming pool. No training." Lance pressed a finger to Allura's lips making her quiet.

"You just want to show off!" Hunk exclaimed but nodded, "But swimming will be amazing!"

"What do you mean 'show off'?" Shiro questioned Lance, looking at Lance, then at Hunk and then back at Lance.

"Oh! Back on Earth I was the team captain for my swim team! Won a few medals and trophies." Lance shrugged as if it wasn't a big deal. 

"Lies! You've won a lot of medals! Just wait until you see him in the water!" Hunk exclaimed again before standing up and ruffling Lance's hair.

Lance just scoffed and ruffled Hunk's hair in return.

"Well, let's go get our swimsuits on considering Lance seems so set on doing this." Shiro finally stood up and made his way out of the room.


Lance stood in front of the mirror, staring at his scars that looks out of place on his tan body. They were cool but now was not the time to tell the others or rather show the others. Thank God that his swim shorts ended a little below his knee, right there his scars ended on his legs but as for his arms, he would have to wear a long sleeve. People did it all the time back on Earth so it's not weird right?

Not wanting to dwell on those thoughts anymore, Lance left his room and quickly made his way to the pool.


When Lance walked into the pool room, his eyes brightened, "Last one into the pool is a rotten egg!"

Upon hearing it, both Keith and Pidge dashed after Lance not listening to Shiro's worried called of slipping on the water.

Lance was the first one into the pool with a big smile on his face as he swam around, "Ahhh. How I missed swimming! I will  throw all of you into the water if you do not get in! Do not try me! I AM THE GOD OF WATER!"

"I'm coming bro!" Hunk stepped into the water and swam out to Lance but not as graceful as him.

"Why are you wearing a long sleeve if you don't mind me asking?" Allura tilted her head as she looked at Lance, her feet barely in the water.

"Oh, its just because-" Lance started to speak before Pidge cut him off.

"What the heck is on your face?" Pidge pointed at Lance's face who's hands shot up to touch his hands.

"Welp, the cat is out of the bag now." Lance felt his shoulders slump down as he swam out of the pool and wiped his face and came back with the towel having a smear of brown, "Well, I feel like a totally new person."

"May I?" Allura reached out to touch his scars, asking for permission first, "How did this happen to you...?"

"I've had them since I could always remember. I really like them." Lance shrugged, setting down his towel, "Oh! I haven't shown you all of them yet!" 

"There's more? Dude, what happened?" Hunk marveled at Lance.

Lance hummed as he took off his shirt, revealing the rest of his scars, "Well, my mama told me that it's chemical burns from someone making drugs. Or at least that's what I think she told me, I don't remember it all to clearly." 

"Drugs?" Keith's voice went up in pitch, "Your family does drugs?"

Lance burst out laughing at Keith's question, "Oh no, it was a family friend who did. Needless to say that they are no longer our friend."

"Why did you hide them? And is that all of them?" Shiro questioned Lance who sat down at the side of the pool.

"Oh no! There's a lot more, well, they're just on my legs. And as for hiding the part, I remember that as a younger child when I found out about what happened, I've always told the other kids awesome things that I did. Like saving a family from a burning building to a shark attack. But as we grew older, the children got a little meaner. Nothing physical, but the gazes and the words stung. I managed to get my mama to teach me how to use concealer." Lance smiled softly, watching the water ripple under his moving feet, "I guess back on Earth, I just had a burning desire to be normal when some kids got mean."


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