Pew, Pew, Pew

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Prompt - Lance is afraid of guns, despite being the sharpshooter of the team. Reasons why Lance is afraid of guns, there was a shooting in Cuba that killed his family, leaving him injured. (Maybe even with a prosthetic cause of his injuries????) 

This was the first thing that came to my mind when I woke up. I'm not sure if I saw this prompt anywhere but you know what screw it, I went to bed really late and this is what you get. Two stories in less then a day.


The moment that Lance formed his bayard, he nearly dropped it in shock. Actually correction, he did drop his bayard to the ground not caring that he got some looks from the others. He didn't want his bayard to be a gun, he didn't want anything of his to be a gun.

"Here- Here Shiro... You can have my bayard. I don't want it." Lance closed his bayard and handed it to Shiro who looked at Lance quizzically. 

"Lance, it doesn't work like that. The bayards go along with your lions. You are the Blue Paladin, you get the blue bayard." Allura spoke up, not allowing Shiro to reply.

"Okay, Okay.... Can I at least have a bow and arrow...? I'm better with a bow and arrow." Lance shifted from one foot the the next, not looking at anyone in the eye. 

"Bow and arrow? What's that my boy?" Coran looked at Lance with the same quizzical expression as Shiro.

"Oh... It's quite hard to explain." Lance felt his shoulders drop but he tried to smile, "It's  quite hard to explain but I'll explain later okay?"

Coran smiled warmly, "Certianly my boy! Maybe if you describe this so called 'bow and arrow' I might be able to make you one!"

Lance felt his heart swell and his shaky smile grow solid, "Really?!? You would do that for me?!?"

When Coran nodded, Allura stepped in to scold Lance and Coran for getting off topic, "You two, you must remember that we must win a battle. Now Paladins, go to your lions."

Everyone nodded and ran to their respectful lions, but no one noticed Lance shaking like a leaf.


"Hey Lance, you okay?" Hunk came up to Lance during dinner, "You've been awfully quiet, pale and shaking like a leaf ever since you figured out what your bayard was."

Lance smiled, though it was visibly strained, "Yea- Yea! I'm fine buddy! Just some unwanted-" Lance absent minded brought his leg up and held it close to his chest. 

"Unwanted what?" Pidge questioned Lance who brought his leg closer, "You're not hiding anything from us, right?"

"Yep! But I have a question for you Pidgey." Lance cleared his throat, a smirk coming to his face, "So you're called Pidge Gunderson, but you're a girl correct?" Lance waited for Pidge who nodded, "So does that make you Pidge Gunderdaughter?"

Everyone groaned and while Pidge groaned as well she glared at Lance who laughed, "I can't believe you're my friend. On that note you're not my friend anymore, you're not invited to my sixteenth birthday party."

Lance pretended to be in shock though he allowed his leg to drop from his chest, "What?!?! I'm not lion!"

"Buddy no. I'm not making you anymore food, you'll have to eat Coran's cooking." Hunk shook his head at Lance who laughed, "I can't believe that I'm best friends with you."

"But you love meeee~!" Lance drawled out his words, reaching over to Hunk and tried to hug him, "You wouldn't let me starve!"

Hunk sighed by didn't say anything besides hugging Lance back.

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