Chapter 4

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I hurriedly got out of bed to take a bath. I put on some decent clothes to make me look handsome. Oh yes, I want to look my best.

Today's my first day of school. Don't wanna be late!


The doorbell?

Who could that be?

I answered it, "Yes?"

"Blake! It's Laira. Are you ready yet?" What? She's already downstairs? Waiting for me? She's more like the prince charming who's waiting for her princess to come down.

"I'm coming. Wait a sec."

I grabbed my backpack and headed for the front door. I ran down the stairs so that she wouldn't have to wait so long. I fixed my hair to make it look at great as possible.

When I saw her, she looked absolutely wonderful.

"Hey." I greeted her cheerfully. She greeted me back. We started to walk to school. We didn't have to use the underground train since the school is just half an hour away. She lived like this for almost three years. Walking to and from school. I was wondering who she was walking with when I wasn't here yet. I won't bother asking though. Maybe I'll just let her tell me the story of her life. She's interesting.

I watched as the cars passed. We walked on the pavement slowly. We weren't much in a hurry. Classes start at 8:30am and it was only 7:30am. Early birds. That's what early birds do. Relax.

I enjoyed her company. I commented about the great weather today. The clouds were white and there weren't many of them. The sun was shining brightly and there was no chance of rain. Guess today really is a lucky day for me.

She told me about the teachers and students there. There were big teachers, small teachers, fat teachers and, of course, strict ones. Better watch out for those. I didn't want to much attention on me or else, I'll be in so much trouble.

We arrived in school. The doors don't open until it's already 5 minutes before the bell rings. We had to wait outside for some time. I learned that people here aren't as good as they seem to be. Many have bad manners. I really have to choose my friends.

Laira seemed to be having a great time. And so was I. We were in the same class so we sat together. This felt kinda weird having a girl beside me. Usually, I was with boys. This is actually the first time I've been with a girl whom I obviously don't have a crush on.

Time passed by.


Last hour!

Time to go home now! And of course, this time, I'll be the gentleman.

"May I, Blake the Great, accompany you home?" I asked with a british accent which didn't really fit me so well so she actually bursted out laughing at me.

"Hey stop it! I'm trying my best here!" I  ranted.

Her laughter takes away the anger in me. I should be angry at her right now for insulting me, but sadly, I can't. Her laugh is very contagious. Worse than the most contagious disease ever discovered.

There's something in this girl.

I know we will really get on well. 


I asked for her number.

I took my phone out and started typing a text. I deleted some words and replaced them with new ones. But I can't seem to find the right words to start the conversation. At last, I finally gained some self-confidence.

To: Laira Pollet

Whatcha doin'?

From: Blake

She replied at once. Wow. Now, that was fast.

From: Laira Pollet

Nothing much. How 'bout you?

You must be wondering what Pollet means. It means chick. One time, I saw her with her hair so wet. It looked like she ran a mile through a storm, waving her hair so damp that it looked like a wet chick. Poor little thing. And I started teasing her until it became her nickname. I like it.

Talking to her is very very comfortable. I never get bored when I talk to her. We texted each other all night until she dozed off, leaving my message unreplied.

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