Chapter 34

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Where could that be? I wondered. I looked everywhere for it, but I couldn't find it. I looked under my bed, under the sofa, in my cabinet, in every single drawer I have in this room and in every single corner of this bedroom. I don't even take it outside of my room. Where the hell could it be?

I lost my pillow. It was my pillow since I was a baby. I brought it here with me when we left Canada. I can't sleep at night without it. It was one of my best buddies in bed! I know it's a bit childish, but I really need to find it. I tried asking Rose and my mom but they only answered me with a No, I did not see it.

I dialled Laira's phone number and as soon as I heard her teeny voice asking, "Blake?" I almost cried asking her "Did you see my hotdog pillow?" She bursted out laughing. For a man like me, I was such a crybaby. I would totally cry if I lost something precious to me and my hotdog pillow was definitely one of those things that I would die for. But I'd rather lose that pillow than lose Laira. Laira is much more important than that pillow.

"You'll find it. Don't worry." She said in between her laughs. She couldn't stop laughing.

I spent the rest of the morning trying to find my pillow, but I didn't see it.

Someone knocked on our door. I was the one who opened it and came face-to-face with the love of my life. I hugged her tightly as if I was a kid who found his mommy after he got lost in a mall. She looked surprised and confused, but she patted my back and then she patted my head.

"Aww, don't cry. You'll find it." She told me.

I didn't really wanna let go of her. I just wanted to stay like that forever. With her in my arms, nothing else matters. When she's there, the whole world seems to stop turning around. It even stops revolving around the sun. Time stops. I feel safe and sound when she hugs me. I feel very comfortable with our cuddling position.

She broke free from our hug and I hope she didn't do that.

I fixed myself and wiped my tears. I offered her to come inside the house. We sat on the sofa. I turned on the TV.

"So what brings you here?" I said. I have recovered from my sudden breakdown caused by my lost pillow.

"Well, I needed someone to come with me to the mall today and since I figured you need a break from finding that pillow, I came over to ask you if you wanted to come with me." She explained.

I quickly stood up and said with delight, "I would love to! I'll just get dressed, okay? Just stay there. I'll be ready in a sec." I ran to my room and changed clothes. I don't even recall going inside the bathroom and taking a shower, but I don't care. I still smell good and I look pretty handsome.

I got back within 5 minutes. I asked permission from my mom and she agreed since I was with Laira and not with some drug addict.

We took the taxi to the mall. It was a little bit far and we couldn't go on foot. I paid for the taxi so she didn't have to worry about paying the taxi driver. At first, she didn't want to but I insisted because I don't want her to get tired of walking and have her feet sore. Even though she wasn't wearing heels, it's still tiring to walk all the way to the mall. It's too far.

As soon as we arrived there, we roamed around and went inside shops. He was trying to find a new pair of shoes. I don't know what kind of shoes she was trying to find because she was trying everything out! Every single type of shoe there is.

Finally, she found the right ones. We paid for it. Since my stomach was already growling, we decided to eat in a reataurant. Before we arrived at our destination (food), we passed by a flower shop and I told her to wait outside. I wanted to buy her flowers.

I went inside the shop and picked up three red roses.

"Are these for your girlfriend?" The florist asked me with a huge smile and a sweet voice.

"Well, not really. They're for my soon to be girlfriend."

She smiled at what I said and wished me good luck.

When I got back to the place I left her, she wasn't there. I looked around and saw her sitting on a bench. I approached her, hiding the roses behind my back.

"I'm back, my love. And I brought you some flowers." I showed her the three roses. "There are three of them. They symbolize three important words that I really, really need to tell you right now."

I gave her the first red rose and she smelled it. She smiled at it because it smelled great.


I gave her the second flower.


And lastly, the third flower, which is the biggest of the three.

"You" I said. "The last one is the biggest of them all because it has the most meaning. You give meaning to my life, Laira. I love you so much."

She gave me a hug. I thorns of the roses almost pricked my bare skin. Luckily, no blood came out. I let out a cry of pain. She kissed me on the cheeks.

"I'm sorry and thank you. For these." She looked at the flowers then back to me. "Let's go then?"

We ate in KFC again. It really is her favorite. The food there isn't that healthy. It's not worth eating! But what makes this special is that I'm with the girl I love in this fastfood restaurant.

Anywhere on this planet is a special place as long as you are with the person you love the most.

Even though she talks to another person, it doesn't mean he owns her heart. I know that deep inside her, I'm still the one she loves and it will always be like that no matter what happens. The jealousy I'm feeling is just normal. The best thing I can do is make her feel that no matter how long they talk to each other, I'm still here for her. I'm the one who loves her more than anything in this world.

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