Chapter 6

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I was having a hard time climbing up to the top floor where we live. I almost fainted on my way up. I dropped on the floor when I reached to top. I couldn't breathe. After what seemed like hours, I saw a figure trying to pull me up. It was man. No, a girl. She held my arms and tried her very best to pull me up as I struggled for air. The girl put all her strength on me just to get me to sit down. My keys were inside my bag and probably those were the ones she was trying to find 'cause she took my backpack.

I passed out.

I woke up in my bed. I was still having a hard time trying to breathe. It had been a long time since the last attack.


Of all people, why me?

The door slammed open. Right in front of me stood a beautiful girl named Laira. She fixed her violet glasses and beamed at me.

"How are you feeling?" She asked, approaching my bed sitting down near my feet.

"I can't breathe."

She lay down beside me and hugged me tight.

"I called your parents. They'll be here soon. Don't worry. I'm here."

"What if I stop breathing right now?" I was getting weaker again. I felt like a tennis ball was stuck in my throat, making it difficult for me to breathe. It's like I'm choking to death.

"Shhh... Please don't say that." I felt her hug tighten. She put her chin on top of my head. She pulled me closer to her. "Breathe slowly."


"Please don't give up." I could hear her sobbing. I grabbed on to her for dear life. I've never been so scared in my whole life. I hugged her tightly, trying my best to inhale and exhale.

"I-I need you, Blake. I don't want to lose you." She cried. "I treat you as my bestfriend and you're very important to me."

Tears are starting to fall down my cheeks. Aside from having difficulties in breathing, I was really touched when she said that. I felt exactly the same way about her but I couldn't tell her at that moment. I've got bigger problems and that's this horrible pain I'm feeling in my chest. It's worse that before.

"I treat you like a bestfriend, too, Laira. You're important to me as well." I managed to say that to her between my inhales and exhales.

Luckily, my parents arrived and took me to the hospital.

They gave me an inhaler, similar to the one used for asthma. I needed to do 5 puffs every 4 hours. They took me home after that. Laira was there the whole time and she never left my side.



That voice.

Laira was already running towards me with her arms open. She was going to hug be, but I avoided her. She almost fell to the ground, face first.

I started laughing and laughing because she looked like a crazy monkey who saw a floating banana and tried to hug it but it disappeared ito thin air, leaving her in an awkward position on the floor. Luckily, she was wearing long sleeves and pants so she didn't get bruised.

I helped her get up but she pushed me away. Her hands were on her hips. And her face was red from embarassment. She was holding back the tears.

"I hate you!" She thundered, literally screaming in front of me. I knew she was angry.

I walked towards her and put my arms around her. I gave her a kiss on the forehead and told her, "I miss you too, bestfriend."

Her eyebrows almost joined together and her eyes narrowed even more. She broke free from my warm hug and turned her back.

"I'm not talking to you." She muttered.

"You already did."

I heard her mutter "Ugh" as she stormed away from me. I ran after her holding her arm. I managed to turn her around so she was facing me. I cupped her face and touched her cheek.

"Hey, I miss you. Relax. Don't get angry anymore."


She slapped my face!

"Oowww" I groaned in pain. My hand was touching my red cheek. I swear my face had a big red hand mark.


She left me and ran towards the girls' washroom.

Great. Way to go, Blake!

I had to do something about this. Good thing it's our break and students can go out of the school to buy snacks. I took the opportunity to buy some flowers and her favorite chocolate, Ferrero.

I searched for the flower shop. I swear it's near the bakery. The bakery was just about a block away from the school. It had a big sign that says "Big Ben's Bakery". The letters were blue and the background was grey. It looked awesome. When I spotted the humongous sign, I knew I was already near.

Luckily, there was still one blue rose left. It was a bit expensive but I know it's worth it. I paid for it and left.

Chocolates were next. I had to find a chocolate shop fast or else I'll be late for my next class. I found a candy shop around the corner and quickly found a box of ferrero.

Running as fast as I could, I reached a store. They sold different kinds of boxes. I bought a heart-shaped box with a violet ribbon attached to the front. Perfect. I put the ferrero inside the box and held the flowers on the other hand.

My heart was beating so fast that I was going deaf. I made my way through the halls of the school. Where were the students? Did the bell already ring?

I glanced at my watch. Oh yes. Yes, it did. Everyone was in their classes already.

My class was at the end of the long hallway. When I reached the door, I was so nervous. The blue rose was still in my hand and the box on the other. Good thing the teacher was not that strict. C'mon, I can do this.

This is for her.

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