💃🏿maria the dancer ~ chapter 6💃🏿

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hello hello hello
trigger warnings: gay slurs, homophobia, being a stripper???
anyways enjoy the next chapter

Alexander sat at his computer, typing away for the last four hours. I look up from my book and eye him.

"You've been typing since this afternoon. Aren't you tired?" I ask him, sitting down my book precariously.

"I have this essay due in two weeks for Mr. Washington," He explains, keeping his eyes fixated on the screen as he continues to rapidly type. "I must get this done."

"How many pages does it have to be?"

"Five," He answers.

"And how many pages have you finished?"

"Fifty one."

"Okay, that's it," I declare, rising from my seat and shutting his laptop. "You're done."

"John! I haven't even finished my conclusion sentence!"

"You can do it later," I tell him grabbing his jacket and chucking it at him. "Let's go pay Maria a visit."

This should be fun. Maria works on the student council mainly, but on the side, she works as something else for extra money. Peggy goes and helps her every Saturday get prepared since Saturdays are her biggest shows.

"Where are we going?" He asks, fumbling in his coat pocket to find the key to the dorm.

"We're going to visit Maria at work," I vaguely explain.

"What? Why would she be having a student council meeting at 5 on a Saturday? And why are we going?"

I dodge his millions of questions as we walk down the sidewalk to Lafayette
and Mulligan's dorm. "We have to pick up Laffy and Herc first, then Eliza."

"Um, why wouldn't Angelica want to go to the meeting? I thought she was all for, you know, Women's Input on... important government things?"

"How much alcohol can your body take?" I ask turning towards him. His brown eyes seem to pop out of his head as he looked confused and terrified.

"I can actually take a lot down. But why? They won't have any alcohol the-"

I put my finger to his lips to keep him quiet, but I stay silent as I stare at my finger on his pink lips and his cocoa eyes. I slowly lower it.

"Don't ask questions. You'll see," I whisper, the steam gracefully floating out of my mouth into the frigid air.

"Okay," He whispers back, and we silently walk to the Laf's and Herc's dorm.

I begin to knock on the door, but my fist hits air as the door swings open.

"You ready?" Lafayette asks. He wore a dark blue crop top and black skinny jeans. He wore a blinding highlight and eyeliner that could seriously cut a bitch. Hercules steps behind him, his makeup a little more natural and toned down.

"John! Alex! Come in!" Hercules cheerily greets, stepping aside to let us in.

Eliza already sat on their dark green couch on her phone. She was in a white tank top and a pale blue mini skirt. Her shiny black hair lay over her shoulders.

"Hey, Eliza!" I say, sitting next to her. She lightly kisses my cheek.

"Hey, John and Alexander! Are you guys ready? This is going to me one of Maria's biggest show! Peggy and Maria are already at the club-"

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