🛎girl (and boy) trouble ~ chapter 10🛎

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"Maria!" I call, banging my fists impatiently on her door. "Open the door, please! It's important."

I slid my fists down the door and leaned my ear against it. I heard muffled sobbing on the other side.

"Maria?" I muttered, gently checking to see if the door is locked. I twist the knob and the door swings open. There Maria was, sitting on her couch, mascara streaming down her face with a tub of mint ice cream.

"John," She sniffled, and I walk in. I sit with her on the couch and wrap my arms around her in a tight hug. She hugs back, quietly crying.

"What's wrong?" I ask, rubbing her back reassuringly.

"I had a fight with Eliza!" She sobs even louder, clinging to my shirt.

"Oh, no," I whisper, holding her as she cries into my shirt. "Well, I have something that might make you feel better?"

"What is it?" She asks, pulling away, looking at me desperately with tear rimmed eyes.

"I don't know what happened between you two, but Eliza is also really sad at her dorm too. Wouldn't it help to talk to her, instead of eating mint ice cream that's so artificial, it's light blue?"

"It reminds me of her," She cries, burrowing her face in her hands as she quietly sobs. I reach over to the end table and give her the box of tissues that was already half empty. She violently blows her nose into one of them and throws it onto the floor into the rest of the snot filled mountain of tissues.

"You and Eliza are perfect for each other," I say, "And I know for a fact that Eliza can't live without seeing you for a day. You should go talk to her."

She sniffles. "You're right. Thank you, John." She weakly smiles. She wipes her face, which only makes her draining mascara worse, but I don't bring it up. "Anyways, what's up with you?"

"I, uh, I'm conflicted," I try to explain. "Last night, I slept with Alex-"

"YOU HAD SEX WITH HIM?" Maria yells in shock, interrupting me.

"No! No!" I shout back. "Last night, I was sleeping and I heard crying in the bathroom. So I went to go see what it was and it was Alexander. Next thing I know, we're just cuddling in Peggy's and my bed. But he was scared, because of the storm and stuff."

"Well, he was scared, right? And he couldn't really get through the night without someone with him? You're just being a good friend," She replies.

"Yeah, but the only people I've ever cuddled with is you and Peggy. One, Peggy's my girlfriend, and two, you're a lesbian."


"I mean... isn't that a little... gay?" I trail off.

"Pfft," She scoffs, "Look at me. I'm gay. Helping out a friend because they were scared. Not gay," She explains, and I weakly nod my head in reply. "How long did you lay with him? An hour? Two?"

"The entire night."

"Oh, honey, that's a little gay."

I ran my hands through my wild hair. "What am I going to tell Peggy?"

"I don't know?" She shrugged, "Just don't tell her."

"Wow," I deadpanned, "Great advice."

She throws her hands up in the air while shrugging once again. "I'm just trying to help, dude!"

"Bestow your... magical queer knowledge on me, or something?"

"Magical queer knowledge?" She crosses her arms. "I'm a lesbian, not a wizard."

"Right, sorry," I apologized awkwardly. "What should I do?"

"What do you mean 'what should I do?'" She asks, resting her hand on her hip. "Enjoy the satisfaction of being a good friend?" She rises from the couch and walks into her bathroom.

"So you're just saying I should forget it ever happened?" I shouted so she could hear me. Her head pops from the open door frame, half her face rid of oxidized makeup.

"I guess?" She swerves back into her bathroom, the sink running high.

I sat there thinking about last night, the drawing of him, and the dream I had a while ago. They all seem to add up to something, but I'm not sure what. I look at Alexander, and this familiar fluttering feeling in my stomach erupts. Perhaps it's just the pleasure of having a new friend; a change from old traditions? Although, when I first met Lafayette and Hercules in grade school, this feeling was nonexistent.

That was when it hit me:

It's the same feeling I experienced when I first met Peggy.

Maria comes dressed out in a modest red sun dress, layered with a grey denim jacket, her makeup redone, her hair in a loose braid.

"Where are you going?" I asked.

"I'm going to go see Eliza. Thanks for helping me out," She says, rubbing my arm and smiling.

"Anytime," I reply, wrapping her in a hug. We both exit her dorm and walk side by side down to the sidewalk. The air is somewhat brisk, growing colder by the day, as it is almost winter.

"Always hit me up with you're having girl problems," I tease.

"And always hit me up when you're having your boy problems," She winks, walking in the opposite direction. I slightly smile as I watch her walk off, her hair flowing in the slight breeze.

Why can't I get my mind off of him?

ayy this is a filler chapter so it's a little shorter than usual but yeha wooOoOhh

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