🎈epilogue ~ chapter 23🎈

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"I cannot actually believe you like pineapple on pizza," Alexander laughed from across the table. We were sitting in a fancy diner. In fact, it was so posh, we had to wear suits. Alexander's silk black suit laid perfectly on his lean frame, and it also matched the engagement ring on his right ring finger.

"This marriage isn't going to work if you can't support my beliefs," I deadpanned before bursting out laughing.

"I'm going to learn how to make pineapple pizza just for you," He smiles, "but there's probably going to be vomit all over it because of how fucking DISGUSTING that is!"

I lean my head back in laughter. I lean back forward and I see that Alexander is staring at me with his side grin.

"What is it?" I giggle. "Do I have food on my face?"

"No," he shakes his head and laughs as he fidgets with the ring on his finger, "I was just looking at how beautiful you are."

I blushed and looked down at my hands. "I love you, Alexander. I'm so glad you turned out okay after the car crash."

"Turned out okay?" Alex scoffs, slipping off the ring and placing it on the table. "Whatever do you mean? I'm going to die, John."

His words hit me like a truck, although I cannot fully process them.


"Wake up, John! Wake up, goddamnit!" He yells, but then he somehow fades. He is no longer sitting in front of me, and I can only hear his voice. "Wake up!"

"John!" Angelica says, snapping her fingers in front of me. My back aches as I stretch up. Fuck. I should've known it was only a dream. I was still in the hospital.

"I can't believe you slept here all night." Eliza said, taking a seat next to me. I rubbed my throbbing temples.

"Where is he?" I anxiously ask. The gang shares somewhat concerned glances with one another.

"Goddamnit, is he alright?" Eliza opens her mouth to say something, but a doctor in a white lab coat and a clipboard below her arm walks up to us.

"Friends and family of..." She reads her clipboard, "Alexander Hamilton?"

I perk up and abruptly stand. "Yes, that's me- us."

"Alexander is now allowing guests, though only one at a time. We had shared his condition with the rest of your friends, so we'd like to inform you. The patient referred to you as John?" She gestures towards me. I hectically nod. "Please, step this way."

I hastily walk side by side with her down the hallway that they had rolled Alexander down the morning before.

"Alexander has survived," she begins and I smile. "But he has major injuries and life conditions."

"L-life conditions? What?" I ask, my voice quivering in fear.

"You see, the RV was slammed off of the road and turned sideways. His legs were crushed." We stop in front of the closed door. "He's paralyzed from the hip down."

My breathing stops short.

"He- he will never be able to walk again?"

"I'm sorry, Mr. Laurens, but your brother-"

"Boyfriend," I rightfully correct her.

"Your boyfriend will never be able to walk again."

I will never get to dance with him. I will never get to be intimate with him ever again.

"Are you ready to come inside?"

As unsure as I was, I nodded. She slowly turned the doorknob and I almost gasp at Alexander in bed. His face had turned back to it's normal shape and color aside from a few stitches. I have to fight the urge to run towards him and kiss him all over.

"Alex," I softly whimpered. He slowly cranes his neck over towards my direction and he instantly smiles.

"Laurens," he croaked, and his voice sends a warm feeling into my chest and cheeks. "They said you slept here. In the waiting room."

"I couldn't leave you," I whisper although there was no need to. "I couldn't." I walk closer to him and sit down in the already prepped chair next to his bedside.

"How are you feeling?" I ask him.

"I've been better," he teases as I intertwine my fingers with his. This time, he squeezes back.

"I'm sorry," I sigh. He looks at me with a perplexed expression.

"Why, John?"

"I let you get on that RV. It should've been me."

"No," Alex sighs, squeezing my hand tighter. "It's not your fault. The burden doesn't need to be placed on one person."

"I guess," I sniffle. "I- I kept thinking about what would happen... if you didn't survive." I start lightly crying.

"John," He sighs, "From all the pain I've gone through in my life, from all the darkness I've battled, from all the tragedies I've witnessed, I learned that we have to stop thinking about what would have happened and instead focus on what actually did happen. I'm alive, John." He smiles. "I'm alive and I'm with you."

"You can't walk anymore," I choke. "There are so many things I want to do with you."

"Oh, John. Come here." I lean into his shoulder and we fit perfectly like a puzzle, like we're the last two lost pieces that had been found.

"You know what's something I've always wanted to do?" Alexander says. "Dance under the stars. I was silently hoping we could on our camping trip."

Suddenly, an idea pops into my head.

"Pick your favorite Elvis song."

"What?" He asks me as I pull away from his embrace.

"Your favorite Elvis song," I repeat.

"Oh, um," he hesitates. "Can't Help Falling in Love."

"Good selection," I say as I slip out my phone and press play on the song. I set it on the table as the opening intro plays.

"What are you doing?" Alexander giggles as I pull the covers from off his body.

"Wrap your arms around me. Hold on tight," I order him as I hoist his light body level to mine. His feet softly touch the ground. I use gravity and my own strength to balance Alex and I so we're in a slow dancing position. I hit the light switch so the lights were off aside from the glow in the dark stickers stuck to the roof.

"Dancing under the stars," I smirked.

He laughs as we slowly sway to the love ballad. He sings the words under his breath.

Wise men say only fools rush in.
But I can't help falling in love with you.

Take my hand, take my whole life too.
For I can't help falling in love with you.

Like a river flows, surely to the sea. Darling, so it goes: some things are meant to be.

For I can't help falling in love with you.

Alexander cranes his neck towards me and connects our lips. His lips do not taste of blood, but taste of the familiarity of home. The familiarity of him. His soft lips softly brushes against mine. A pleasure of happiness swells in my chest, and I'm sure it's connected to the both of us.

"I love you," I sighed against the kiss.

"I love you, too," Alexander smiled against my lips.

Alexander sighed as we pulled away from the gentle passionate kiss. Our foreheads are touching, our lips just centimeters away. "I've been put through tragedies. And I've had things and I've had people that kept me strong. But nothing had ever made me as courageous as you. I spent my whole life being lost, John."

"Well, Alexander," I pull away and look him in his dark chocolate eyes and mimic his damned lopsided grin. "You have been found."


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