⭐️sailing off to london ~ chapter 12⭐️

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"Peggy hasn't called in this morning," I panic, pacing back and forth in our living room as Alexander stares intently but also concerned.

"It's only 3pm, she's fine," Alexander assures me.

"What if she's dead, or something?" I shout, covering my mouth as I gasp at all of the possibilities and risks.

"John, relax. She's not dead," He sighs, laughing lightly. My phone begins to buzz in my pocket and I frantically dig for it. I look at the Caller ID and it turns out it's not Peggy, but her older sister, Angelica. I press accept, and put the phone to my ear.

"Hello," Angelica says through the line, her voice quivering and faint.

"Angelica! Hi! Are you okay?" I ask, concerned at the tone of her voice.

"I- uh," She starts.

"How's Eliza? I haven't had a real conversation with you in a while. How have you been? It's been so long! I-" I begin to banter, but Alex snatches the phone out of my hand and presses it to his own ear. He shoots me a look.

"Angelica? Hello?" He says, and I can only hear incoherent muttering on the other line. This goes on for a minute until Alex's face drops cold and he lowers the phone, Angelica still on the other line.

"What?" I ask, raising my voice. "What is it?"

He looks at the phone and then looks at me. His eyes are cold.

"Philip Schuyler died this morning."


Alexander begins to knock on the Schuyler Dorm door, but I pull it open and stampede inside. Eliza and Peggy were holding each other, tears flowing down their faces on the floor. Angelica stomps into the living room, tears also staining her bronzed cheeks.

"John, Alexander..." She whimpers through her tears. Alexander walks in and embraces Angelica into a tight hug. I practically throw myself into the arms of Eliza and Peggy on their hardwood floor, and I can feel tears start to burn my eyes as well. Peggy clutches the back of my shirt as she sobs violently. Eliza is holding my hand tightly as she's kneeling, zoned out, staring at the ground as droplets of tears stream down her face.

"What- what happened?" Alexander stutters, holding Angelica's arm and guiding her to the rest of us on the floor.

"He- he," Peggy gasped for air. I wrap my arms protectively around her, caressing her brown locks.

"It's okay," I whispered repeatedly like a mantra into her ear.

"He died peacefully in his sleep," Eliza sniffled, her eyes bloodshot red.

Tears were now flowing out of my eyes. I brush them off of my face with my sleeve. "He- he died peacefully," I stuttered, "That's g-good!"

"That's what we think, at least," Angelica explains, anxiously biting her lip.

"I'm so sorry, friends," Alexander emphasized, gripping Angelica's hand. "You'll live through this. It hurts a shit ton now, but you will survive. And John and I will help you through this."

"That's not all," Peggy finally intersects.

"What is it?" I ask, stroking her cheek gently. She looks at me with a look that's so unfamiliar, I can't even begin to imagine the thoughts buzzing through her mind, everything that was happening in her brain.

"My mom has no one to live with, and she can't-"

"Peggy, what is it?" I ask again, more firmly.

"She- I-" She whimpers, covering her mouth with her hands.

"Peggy," I say, "What is it, for Christ's sake?"

"I'm moving to London. Permanently. To be with mom."

a/n: oh damn what did y'all think of that lmao this is a very short chapter, half as long as my usual chapters but i had to update. lol i'm gonna go watch more shameless now (gallavich is my other OTP, other than lams ;);))

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