🔮that would be enough ~ chapter 22🔮

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"Where the fuck is he?"

We had hitched a ride with a man in a truck. It wasn't the smartest idea, but I needed to get to Alexander as fast as I could.

"Sir," The police officer started as he gently pushed me back from the scene, "please step back."

"I have to see him!" I screamed into his face, looking behind as the paramedics rolled an occupied gurney into the ambulance. The body was covered by once white sheets I presumed, but were now stained with blood.

"Sir!" The officer strictly ordered, "We do not let anyone less than a significant other with the patient on."

"I," I started and I looked over at Angelica who seemed like she was staring right through me, tears glistening and rolling down her cheeks, "I'm his boyfriend, John Laurens." The police officer hesitated for a quick moment before stepping aside.


I ran towards the ambulance, my heart beating a billion times faster than it should. The paramedics were working at a fast pace on Alexander. I stepped inside slowly, and I sat on the small side seat. The paramedics lifted the sheet off of his face and I saw him.

He was bloodied and his eyes were swollen shut. I gasped at the sight of him. His pink lips were now a light tint of blue. The paramedics hooked him up to different machines and stepped back.

"Who are you?" A paramedic asked politely.

"John Laurens," I softly answered.

"Relationship to patient? Brother?"


"Ah," She nodded, softly smiling, "I shouldn't be so heteronormative. Alexander is in critical condition, but he has a large chance."

"A large chance at what?" I ask.

"A large chance of surviving, Mr. Laurens." She looks at the heart monitor that displayed his erratic heartbeat. "You can hold his hand, if you'd like."

I looked at his hands, which were also covered in blood, as they laid limp on the side of the cot. I reluctantly intertwined my fingers with him, and our touch made tears spill out like a waterfall of hurt.

"Alexander, please," I softly choked through my sobs. "Do not give up on me. Do not! You are stronger - you are amazing. You brought me joy in my darkest moments. I can't lose you this early. I can't- I." I stopped in my tracks as the words instinctively slipped out. "I love you, Alexander."

I can almost imagine him smiling, that damned smile. I can imagine his lopsided grin as he looks at me and says, "I love you, too, John." I can almost imagine. His hand slightly twitched in mine.

We arrive at the nearest hospital. The paramedics escort me out first and they wheel Alexander quickly into the building. I follow after them. A paramedic turns towards me and stops me.

"You can't come in, sir."

"What?" I sputtered in shock, "What do you mean?"

"He is in critical condition, sir. You must stay back." I look at her with a exasperated expression as they roll him off, and I'm left there standing in the almost vacant hallway.

"John!" I hear a voice say, and I turn around and see Maria as well as everyone else running towards me. Eliza bombards me with a tight hug. I felt her tears staining through my shirt.

"How is he?" Lafayette choked.

"He-" I looked back in the direction they took him. I looked down at my dirt crusted sneakers and I watched as my tears dropped on the top of them.

Maria wrapped her arms around Eliza and I tightly, and I could hear her faint sniffles.

Lafayette did not hesitate to join either, alongside Hercules and Thomas.

"Is he going to be okay?" Eliza softly muttered into my chest.

I lifted my head and craned my neck back into the same direction. My breathing was soft but irregular.

"That would be enough."


"John, we need to go to the hotel," Angelica says, her hands buried deep in her jean pockets. Everyone else had rented a hotel room close to the hospital for a place to stay. I refuse to leave.

"Not until he's better."

Angelica sighed and took a seat next to me.

"I understand that you love him," she says, "but the doctors said it themselves. He'll survive. He's okay."

"You don't know that!" I snapped and guilt seeps into my chest. "They said a large chance. What if he doesn't?" I lowered my voice.

"Don't say that," she sniffles. "He's alive."

"He's-" I cut myself off. I rub my eyes. I'm so tired, but I needed to stay.

"Say it with me, John," Angelica calmly sighs as she holds my hand. "Alexander is alive. He's going to be alright."

I look at her bloodshot eyes which probably resembled mine. Tears slipped down her face. We were practically drowning in our own tears. My lip quivered as I looked down the hallway like I did repeatedly for the past 6 hours. Alexander will walk, or be rolled, down that hallway with his eyes wide open and his lungs breathing air and his heart beating and his hand in mine. We will be together again.

Or we won't, and my heart will be leaving this building empty handed and stomped on the ground.

I looked back at Angelica and I couldn't stop the onpouring flood of tears from escaping. I leaned my head into Angelica's shoulder and she cradled me.

"Alexander is alive," I choked through tears. "He's going to be alright."

aww guys one more chapter!! but i'm gonna make the next one a good one for all the pain i've causes you. thank you SOSOSOOS MUCH FOR COMMENTING!! I LITERALLY FUCKIN SCREAMED DURING CLASS TODAY WHILE READING UR COMMENTS AHHHH ILY GUYS ♥️♥️♥️♥️

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