🌊take a chance ~ chapter 7🌊

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"Are you and Alexander okay?" Peggy whispers, wrapping her arms around my waist, her chin resting on my shoulder. I was in my boxers, as I just woke up. Alexander was already in the kitchen making coffee, and Peggy is getting ready to go to her morning classes. I stare at our closed bedroom door.

"Yeah, why?" I reply, taking out a classic red flannel and a grey tank top.

"I'm just worried that you guys don't like each other," She explains, and I turn around to face her. She was in a white loose tank top and yellow silk shorts. Her curls where everywhere on her head, but she still looked beautiful.

"Why do you think that, baby?" I ask, kissing her on the head and making my way to the closet to find my shoes.

"I don't know. You always look at each other weird for a few seconds then look away in total silence. I love the kid, and it'd be a shame if you didn't."

I glance at her, and I realize that Peggy has caught on to the weird vibe between Alex and I were as I was oblivious to it until now. Alex would brush hands with mine or something and we'd stare at each other. He'd smile and look away, our cheeks both red. Weird.

"I think he's pretty cool, too," I admit, pulling out my timberlands. "It's just kind of weird to have lived with my girlfriend for a while and then get a new roommate, I guess."

Peggy was now picking up dirty clothes on the floor and tossing them into the laundry basket. She then went into her section of the drawers and began to get ready as well.

"Yeah. I like having Alex around, though. He's a great cook," She says as she slips on an oversized pink sweater and blue skinny jeans. She attempts to brush her hair and she applies a little bit of makeup.

"Me too," I say, walking over to her and kissing her gently. "I love you. Be safe on your way to class."

"I love you, too," She picks up her keys and opens the bedroom door. The scent of waffles and coffee enters my senses.

"Breakfast?" Alexander asks as he lays down pitcher of syrup on the dining table.

"Oh, man. It's hard to resist, but I gotta get to class," Peggy says, picking up a blueberry waffle and taking a bite out of it. "Mm, blueberry?"

Alex nods and smiles in response.

"That's some good shit. Bye, Alex. Bye, John!" She calls out before leaving the dorm.

"I'll gladly have some!" I excitedly say and have a seat at our dining table. Alexander sits across from me.

"Help yourself," He invites, handing me a platter of waffles. "By the way, you left your animal biology project about turtles in the kitchen. I almost spilled batter all over them."

"Shit," I mutter, "That was due on Friday."

"You better turn it in now!" Alexander says, his mouth full of waffles.

"I don't have that class until tomorrow. Thanks for reminding me."

"No problem," He says, cutting into his waffles. "So, I know this is going to sound weird, but have you ever thought of proposing to Pegs?"

I gape my eyes wide at the thought of that. "I-I've never really considered marrying."

"It seems like it's really early, but you've been dating since high school. You two are the cutest couple on campus, by the way."

I look at him scarf down his food. He's wearing a black tank top and blue striped pajama pants. I can't help but notice is arms are impressively muscular. I slightly flinch as an image of Alexander naked, such as the one in my dream, pops in my head. My breathing becomes somewhat irregular and short. A faint shadow moves over the table, and I have trouble figuring out if it's my imagination or real life. In the back of my head, I hear What are you doing, John? You're a terrible person for leaving Peggy and having a crush on Alexander! on loop, except it's only getting louder. The shadows are back, and I feel somewhat claustrophobic. I look at Alexander, and he's the only bright and normal thing in the room. He looks concerned. I can see his lips moving, but the repeated chant from the shadows are drowning out his voice.

"John?" Alexander shouts, zoning me back into reality. "Are you alright? I asked you a question."

The shadows are gone, and the chanting stops. Everything is back to normal. I stare at his deep brown eyes for a moment then look away. "Y-Yeah, I'm fine. What did you ask?"

"I asked how'd you and Peggy meet?"

"O-Oh," I stuttered, continuing to eat my breakfast, "She was a freshman and I was a sophomore. I saw her in the halls but that's about it. Then, when I became a junior, I learned that she skipped from 9th to 11th grade because she was really smart. She graduated at valedictorian of our senior class."

"Wow," He smirks, "She's very intelligent and cute. You're a lucky guy."

"Yeah," I mutter, slightly grinning.

"Oh, uh, don't worry, I'm not trying to give hints that I l-like her or anything," He stutters, "She's my best friend. I mean, you are too, and so are Hercules and Lafayette- but, uh, you know, I have my eyes on someone else."

"Oh," I grin, "Who?"

He scratches his neck rather nervously, not making eye contact. "It's no one. He doesn't even like me back."

"Alex, I'm sure if you take the chance, this person will grow feelings," I encourage him, picking up my sticky and empty plate and carrying it to the sink. "You're a great guy."

"Uh, thanks, John," He says, picking up the platters and other plates. "It means a lot."

I pat him on the back reassuringly. "Here at King's College, we take chances. I'm sure you'll get with this guy."

"My chances are impossibly slim, Laurens," He says. His use of my last name sends shivers down my spine. "But thank you."

"No problem, Hamilton."

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