🤙🏾official ~ chapter 19🤙🏾

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hey my sinful children, there will be smut in this chapter! i will put a warning when it's coming. haha get it! CUMMING COMING HAHAHAHhahhahiwjwowkwbq okay enjoy the chapter


"You're serious? A road trip?" I ask Angelica with a look of shock on my face.

"Yeah! It could be really fun," Angelica says, "and it could get our minds off of Peggy. We need to go out and have some fun! The sun comes up and the world still spins."

"She's right," Lafayette adds, "We can go to Virginia and go hiking and camping. We'll rent an RV, oui!"

Although I was reluctant to join them, Alexander took no time to accept.

"That sounds like so much fun!" He cheers, and I observe the marks on his neck which were now turning darker by the minute. Oops?

"Alex, what's that on your neck?" Angelica asks, tilting his chin up with her long pink acrylic fingernails.

Oh, fuck.

"Uh..." he hesitated, subtly eyeing me.

"Who is this lady, mon ami?" Lafayette smirks.

"Yeah, what girl-" Angelica starts as she eyed me as well.

"Or girls," Lafayette interrupts with a wink. Angelica sighed.

"Who are you hooking up with?" She asks, and although she's trying to sound protective, she almost sounds impressed.

"Uh, not really open to telling anyone right now," He awkwardly laughed. "Nobody needs to know."

"Hm," Angelica grinned suspiciously, "okay... but you have to tell us soon."

"Yeah," Lafayette added in, sitting next to Alexander.

"It's just some girl he met off campus," I cover for him, anxiety woven through my voice.

"Alright," Lafayette said, "Anyways, the trip! Maria, Eliza, Hercules, Thomas-"

"You invited Thomas Jefferson?" I cried in disgust and shock.

"No! No!" Angelica and Lafayette denied in unison.

"Um, he means my boyfriend?" She said, twirling a curly piece of hair between her fingers.

"Thomas Paine? The one in our debate class?" I smiled.

"His essays are amazing," Alex said, "I can't believe he's also a novelist."

"Yeah, you two will get along," Angelica laughed.

"The trip is this Saturday," Lafayette informed us.

"Thanks for the long notice," I deadpanned sarcastically.

"If you're tagging along, we're all meeting up at my dorm at 8:30am," Angelica says.

I reluctantly think about this short notice "vacation" for a moment. I'm about to tell her we'll think about it, but Hamilton beats me to it.

"We'll be there."

"Great!" Lafayette bubbled, "We'll see you there. Invite your little lady friend, Alexander." Laffy and Angelica both stood up and head towards the door.
We bid our goodbyes and I close the door.

"Next time, talk to me before you make a decision like that," I tell him as I walk to the couch.

"Oh, my gosh. I'm sorry," He whimpered.

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