🌸final author's note🌸

409 18 38

hey kiddos
hoped you liked that fanfic. i worked p hard on it. it was so fun to write!! i also loved reading all of your comments. they are literally my source of joy.

so i'm not gonna say my full name bc i don't want my mutuals finding my account, but i'm gonna kinda introduce myself

wassup i'm jared i'm 19 and i never learned how to fuckin read

just kidding but nah really
i'm d. for dick.

i'm d. lol and i'm a writer, a musical actress, and a musician. i go by she/they pronouns. i'm a lesbiannnn🏳️‍🌈
i've preformed in heathers as heather mcnamara and heather chandler. i've preformed in wicked and a bunch of other musicals. i would love to be a best selling novelist and poet as well as a broadway actress one day. i'm bengali 🇧🇩 and i'm hella gayyy

i'm always open to meeting new friends!! so PLS IM BEGGING YOU WONDERFUL PEOPLE

HIT !! ME !! UP!!

so writing this fic was wayyy too much fun so i'm gonna write another hamilton one. OK U HOES DONT READ THIS AND NOT COMMENT PLS
i need y'all to vote on what ship i should do!! please just highlight and comment on the ship that you'd like to see.

•jeffmads (jefferson x madison)

•marliza (maria x eliza)

•hamliza (alexander x eliza)

•the angelica / hamilton/ eliza love triangle

•meggy (maria x peggy)

•pheaker (george eacker x philip hamilton)

•mulette (mulligan x lafayette)

ok bbs fuckin vote ya dipshits and happy gaying 😘🏳️‍🌈

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