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"P-please st-stop", Zayn pleaded. His body hurting.

This was all way to familiar. He used to get beaten up at his old school. Nearly every day. But he thought that it was over. He thought that he could finally be happy again.

They kept punching him and Zayn felt his body become numb and his view black.

"Hey! Leave him alone you dumb fūckers.", a loud voice yelled.

The two boys looked up to the voice, while Zayn slowly slide down the lockers to the floor, not even noticing his knight in shining armor.

"Eh L-Liam! We didn't know you were around mate.", the older one stutters when he saw Liam standing there, his fists and jaw clenched.

"Fūck off! No one needs homophobic assholes like you two idiots!", Liam yelled at them.

"Now get the fuck out!"
The two guys just nodded and quickly walked down the hallway.
Liam glared at them, until they disappeared behind the corner.

Liam's face softened automatically when he looked down and saw Zayn curled up on the floor. He made his way to the younger boy and helped him up.

"Hey. Are you alright?", Liam asked.
"Yeah. I'm fine. Thank you.", Zayn answered a little bit confused.

Why did Liam suddenly help him? Last time they 'talked', Liam called him a nerd and acted like a total idiot.
Sure, Zayn was thankful that Liam had helped him but he also was confused.

"Why did you help me Liam? You don't even know who I am. So why do you even care?",
Liam just chuckled and looked at the younger boy with a fond smile.

"Of course I know who you are Zayn. You're my cute new neighbor, who likes reading and his Harry Styles' best friend."

Zayn wanted to say something. But just when he opened his mouth, the bell rang and the students started to walk through the hallways to go to their last period.

"See you around Zayn.", Liam said smiling, before leaving Zayn all flustered in the middle of the hallway.

Zayn didn't even noticed his bruised cheek or the pain in his stomach. He could only think about one thing.

Liam just called him cute!

Zayn just shook his head and finally headed to his classroom. When he entered, he saw that Harry was already sitting and waiting for Zayn to fill the spot next to him.
"Hey Zayn, how was your free period? Did you read in library again? I mean it's raining outside, so where else should you- oh my god! Zayn what happened to you? Did someone beat you? Who was it? Are you okay? I can bring you to the nurse if you want."

"It's okay Harry.'m fine. Just some dumb, homophobic jerks, but it's alright. I don't think they will bother me again." Zayn just answered and his thoughts drifted back to Liam. Again.

"What? Why? I mean how do you know that? What if they wait for you after school?" Harry asked curious and a bit scared. He didn't worried about his best friend and he didn't understand why Zayn was so calm about it.

"Well, Liam walked by when they beat me and he told the to stop and they seamed kinda afraid of him and then apologized and ran away, so I don't think they'll bother me again."

"Liam helped you? Liam as in Liam Payne? Captain of the football team and best friend of Louis? Remember Louis? Louis Tomlinson. You met him on your first day here."
"Yeah. Liam as in Liam Payne, Captain of the football team."
"And of course I remember Louis. He gave you a little spank before walking away.", Zayn chuckled.

"Ehm yeah. B-but why do you know Liam? " Harry blushed a bit, as Zayn mentioned Louis slapping his ass.
"Ehm I live next to him. But we aren't friends or anything. I mean I only talked to him once. And he was kinda rude back then, so I was a little confused when he helped me. But he seams nice tho."

"Liam is your neighbor? Why didn't you tell me? I'm your best friend. But anygays. Liam is actually a nice guy. He, Louis and Niall are best friends. Like us. Even though we're two people and they're three, you know." Harry rambled as always and Zayn just chuckled.

Shorty after their teacher entered the class room and started teaching.
Harry asked Zayn 12 times if he's alright during the lesson, which Zayn thought was really sweet, because no body had every cared about him, besides his family of course.

When the school finished, Harry and Zayn both walked out of school and Harry waited until Zayn's dad pulled up. Yaaser opened the window and greeted his son and his curly headed friend.
"Hey Mister Malik? How are you and your wife?"
"Hallo Harry. I'm fine. And Trisha's too. She's at home making lunch."
"Oh that's nice. I won't bother you long, I promise." Harry giggled, remembering this morning, when he had talked to the man for 15 minutes. They nearly came late for school.
"I just want to ask you, if Zayn can sleep over on Friday. Cuz we are going to watch the football match and usually, if our school wins, what they usually do, we stay a bit longer and kind of celebrate it, you know. So can Zayn stay over? Please?"
"Of course he can." Yaaser chuckled and Zayn got in the car. They both said goodbye to Harry and headed home.

Thanks for +100 reads😭❤️
I'm so happy💖

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Should I upload twice a week?
Because I'm very excited to write this story, so I'm on a flow🙃

I wrote this chapter straight after I uploaded the last hehe

I wrote this chapter straight after I uploaded the last hehe

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