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When they walked into the big house, they could already smell the alcohol and the slightest smell of weed. A Drake song was playing loudly.

"Not a surprise that some people be smoking weed here.", Cara said chuckling, while taking of her jacket.
Zayn copied her and also took of his jacket, looking for a good place to put it.
He didn't want to loose it.
"I'll go search Louis", Harry said, before vanishing into the house.
"Well that leaves the 3 of us behind.", Kendall chuckled. "Let's get some drinks."

They walked into the kitchen, where Andy, Josh and Niall were filling red cups with beer and liquor and yelling random things.

"AYYYYYYY CARA MY GIRL! GOT SOME CUPS FOR YOU.", Andy yelled while handing her two cups.
She gave one to Kendall and they both emptied them immediately.

"What can I get you, Mister Malik?", Niall asked Zayn, clearly drunk.

"Ehm I don't know. I want to get drunk, but I don't really like beer.", he said, graving for the feeling being drunk. Not carrying what was going on around you and just forgetting all you problems.

"Oh then you should try this.", Josh said while handing a red cup to Zayn.
The cup was filled with an orange liquid.

Zayn put the cup up to his nose to smell at it and it was definitely something coconut-ish.

He drank the whole cup in one and was surprised that it didn't burn in his throat. It tasted like coconut and also fruity.
He liked it.
"What's that? It tastes awesome.", Zayn asked Niall while handing him his cup for a refill.
"It's malibu mixed with passion fruit juice.", Niall said while mixing another cup for Zayn, who drank the whole cup again.

"It's really sweet. But still really good. Can I have another one?", Zayn asked.

"Sure.", the older guy chuckled and mixed the same drink again, putting a bit more Malibu in it.

Zayn drank his third cup in one rush, too.

"Oh that one was better. I'll have another one.", Zayn said while giving the cup to Josh again.

While he waited for his fourth , but definitely not last drink, he looked around in the kitchen, seeing that Kendall, Cara and Andy were still talking and drinking.

"Here you go. Want me to fix you one more,before we run out of juice ?, Josh asked, already taking out a new cup.

"Oh hell yess.", Zayn yelled before chugging his drink down, now clearly feeling tipsy. He usually doesn't get drunk that fast, not that he has been drunk before, but the drinks were so sweet that he didn't even taste the alcohol. And that was what hit him so hard.

Turned out that there was enough juice for 2 more cups, so Zayn chugged them down too.

After that he drunkly walked to where Cara and Kendall were watching Andy, who filled some shot classes with some strong liquor.

"AYYYY ZAYN DRINK SOME SHOTS  WITH US.", Andy yelled while filling two more glasses. Well, he was trying to fill them but he mostly missed them, due to his drunken state.

After to rounds of shots Zayn was now completely drunk.
"I'll go search Liam.", he giggled before walking out of the kitchen and into the living room, where the 'dance floor' was set.

After looking what felt like an eternity, what have only been ten minutes in reality, Zayn finally found Liam.

He was talking with some guys from the football team.

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