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Zayn's dad picked him and Harry up at Kendall's house after they had breakfast.
While driving to Harry's house, Harry asked Yaser about their trip to Canterbury with the Payne's.

"So Mister Malik, I heard that you are going to Canterbury with the Payne's."
"Yeah Harry, that's right. Geoff asked us if we wanted to come with them, since it's a holiday and we thought that Zayn's old enough to stay home alone."
"Yeah dad, I wanted to ask you if it's okay if Harry, Cara and Kendall gonna stay over tonight, because Liam is throwing a party."

"Oh yeah, your mother told me about the party. I think she won't have anything against your friends staying over."
"Okay thanks dad."

They reached Harry's house and the curly headed boy climbed out of the backseat, saying goodbye to Zayn and his father before waking up to his front door.
Zayn and his dad waited till Harry was inside, before driving home.

When they finally reached home it was 12:53pm and Zayn went straight into bed because he hadn't slept all night.

It was already 4:30pm when he woke up again. He rubbed his eyes and stood up. He heard his sisters in the hallway so he walked out of his room.

Waliyha and Saafa had  packed their suitcases and struggled with bringing them downstairs.

"Wait I'll help you.", Zayn said, before rushing to his sisters and taking their suitcases.
"You know that you only gonna stay till Monday? You could've used a backpack.", Zayn chuckled while walking down the stairs. He sat the luggage down near by the front door and his sisters just chuckled, while walking back into their rooms.
Zayn walked into the kitchen, where his mom was making some sandwiches for the drive.
"Hey mom. Can I have one?", Zayn asked while sitting down on a chair in front of the kitchen counter.
"Sure honey.", Tricia chuckled while giving her son a sandwich and turning back around to make a new one.
"When will you leave?", Zayn asked with his mouth full.
"Don't talk while eating.", his mom demanded.
"We'll leave at 5. Your dad and Liam's dad are on their way to rent a small bus, so that we all can drive in one car. When will your friends be around?"
"I don't know. I'll text them. But i think they'll be here around six.", Zayn answered after finishing his sandwich.
He stood up and rubbed his hands on his sweatpants to clean them, before walking up in his room.
He unlocked his phone and went to the groupchat with Harry, Cara and Kendall.

My family leaves at 5, so you can come around 6

Okay sounds good.

Wish your parents a lovely trip from me:)

6 is good.

My oldest sister Kourtney is here right now, but she said that she'll drive me.

I'll just be a bit late.

That's okay:)

Harry if it's not a problem that we'll be a bit late, then we can pick you up, since your house is on the way

Yeah thanks. That would be great:))

Okay I'll text you when you can come out🙃

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