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Liam exited the bus after Zayn did and they made their way inside rather quickly, since it was cold outside.

"Do you need to go to your locker?", Liam asked after they had entered the school building.
Zayn just nodded.
"Mind if I join?", Liam asked with a smirk on his face that made Zayn blush.
"No, of course not.", he replied shyly.
It was weird. Sometimes he was really confident around Liam, even a bit cocky, but then it only took Liam one smirk and Zayn was back and being shy and blushing constantly.

Liam waited next to him while he took out his books out of his locker.

"Hey guys. Zayn, why are you here so early? I mean normally you don't show up here for another 15 minuets or so. But I mean I don't mind. Why would I. And Liam, nice to see you too.", Harry greeted them, Zayn with a hug and Liam just with a big smile and a small wave.

"I took the bus today since I woke up early.", Zayn just replied and Harry nodded.

"Oh right, Liam you take the bus too, right?"

"Yeah, that's why I'm here.", Liam chuckled. Sometimes his best friend's boyfriend really was a bit dumb.

"Anyway. Are you coming to Louis Halloween party too? I mean why wouldn't you be there Liam? But  Zayn, did he invite you? He told me that he would invite you personally. Did he? He did right."

"Yeah he texted me this morning. And of course I'm coming. I mean I rather go to a party than go trick or treating with my sisters.", Zayn said, which caused Harry and Liam to laugh.

"Great. Cara and Kendall will come too."

Zayn nodded while closing his locker and they all started to make their way to cafeteria, where they would be waiting that their classes would start.

"Do you guys know what you are gonna wear?", Liam asked while sitting down next to Zayn, opposite to Harry.

"No not yet, but Louis suggested that we guys should wear something superhero or comic themed."

"Oh yeah that's what he told me and the other guys from the team too. But he also wants to make sure that there aren't any costumes twice."

"Yeah would be stupid to have twenty batmen running around.", Zayn chuckled.

The others started laughing with him, even though Liam was frowning on the inside, since Batman was his first idea on what to be.

They continued talking about the party and other stuff, until Louis joined them and told Liam that their coach wanted to see them. After they walked away, Kendall sat down next to them.

"Hey guys. What party were you talking about? Louis' on Saturday right?"

"Yeah, we just said that we should hurry with finding our costumes since Louis wants his 'closer friends' to wear something superhero or comic related, but he also doesn't want any costumes to be worn twice.", Zayn explained.

"Oh yeah, Cara and I already talked about it. By the way she won't come to school today since she has the flu. She's probably staying at home the whole week since she wants to be fit for the party."

"Oh that's sad, but I hope she'll be fine soon. And did you had any ideas?", Harry asked. He still didn't had any ideas on what to wear.

"Oh yeah actually we did. I wanted to go as catwoman and Cara wants to be the joker. She always wanted to cut her hair a bit and now she made an appointment on Friday afternoon and then she just has to use some green spray dye."

"Oh that's a good idea. I think I wanna be Deadpool. He's nice.", Zayn said while picturing himself in a Deadpool costume.

"Oh yeah, I bet Liam couldn't resist you in a tight suit.", Kendall winked.

"What about you Haz? Any ideas", she asked the green eyed boy, who looked like he was thinking about something serious.

"Nope.", he said after a few seconds. "I have absolutely no idea on what to wear? I mean I don't even watch superhero movies that often.", he said while sighing frustrated.

"Oh, but no worries. We'll help you find something good."

"Yeah, maybe we can 'use' your hair. I mean we could use yellow spray dye and then you could be Thor. Or we leave it like it is and just use some wax to make it look wet and then you could be aquaman. But then you 'had' to walk around shirtless.", Zayn said while thinking for a good superhero or villain for his best friend to wear.

"Oh I bet Louis wouldn't mind, but it's also a bit too cold for walking around shirtless, don't you think. So maybe we should stuck to Thor. But what is Louis wearing anyway? Maybe you two could go matching or something.", Kendall suggested.

"I don't know. I think he said something about either being Captain America or someone else. I forgot the name tho."

In that Moment the bell rang, signaling that their first period would start in five minutes.

"We should talk about that at lunch. I have to go to music class now. See you guys later.", Kendall said before standing up and walking to her class.

"She's right. We can think about a costume for you in class and then see what we got. And didn't Louis say that it also could be from a comic? I'm sure we gonna find something.", Zayn said while also standing up and waiting for Harry, who just nodded and then stood up too.

"Anyway, did you hear that Sarah broke up with Matt because she caught him making out with James?", Harry started which made Zayn chuckle. Just seconds ago his best friend was frustrated about a Halloween costume and now he's already into the latest school gossip.


Hope you guys like it❤️

Do you have any costume ideas for the guys?




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