Thirty eight

210 14 4

[851 words]
~halftime break

The first half of the game went good. Their team had already 3 goals while the others only had one.
Bit that wasn't because they never had the ball, it was cause of yes, the goalie of Liam's team. He did an amazing job.
Zayn never really paid him much attention, because he was always focused on Liam, but now that he actually saw him, he had to admit that he was great. He had never talked to him, since he didn't had any classes with him, he probably was in Liam's and Louis year, but he remembered seeing the ginger at Liam's party.

"The goalie was amazing.", Zayn said to Harry, while they were waiting for Cara and Kendall to come back with their drinks.

Harry looked up from his phone and smiled.
"Yeah, he is. His name's Ed. He's one of my best friends since we know each other since we where kids, because our moms are friends. I think I forgot to introduce you to him, did I? But I'm gonna do that later, I promise. Oh by the way. Louis asked me If i wanna go to McDonald's with him and Liam after the game and I thought it was nice of you'd come too, since I assume Liam isn't very keen on third wheeling.", Harry chuckled.

"Oh yeah, Liam asked me too, but we Eh agreed that it would be more fun to go as a bigger group so I'm gonna ask Cara and Kendall when they're back and Liam will ask Niall, Josh and Andy."

"Oh okay, yeah bigger groups are always more fun. I'll ask Ed if he wants to join too, then you can finally meet him."

"Meet who?", Cara asked when she and Kendall sat back down on their seats and handed the others their drinks.

"I forgot to introduce Zayn to Ed. And we want to go to McDonald's later. Louis, Liam, Niall, Josh, Andy, Zayn and I, and I'll ask Ed if he wants to come too. Oh and you guys. Do you want to join us?"

"Sure, I'm always up for some food.", Cara shrugged while fishing a half eaten cereal bar out of her pocket, what got Zayn chuckling.

"Yeah I'm in too. And Zayn, you gonna love Ed. He's really nice.", Kendall said smiling and before anyone could add anything, the referee blow his whistle, signaling that the second and last half of the game had started.

Their team ended up winning the game and after waiting and talking for another ten minutes, Cara, Kendall, Harry and Zayn walked down to the field to wait for the others. About ten minutes later Louis and Niall came out of the showers with their hair still damp.

"The others should be here any minute.", Louis said before walking over to Harry and putting his arm around his boyfriends waist.
"They better hurry the fuck up cuz I'm fucking starving.", Niall grumbled.

"Same.", Cara said what got her a funny look from her girlfriend.

"You just had fries not even an hour ago.", Kendall said jokingly.

"Yes. And now I'm graving fries again. Sue me.", Cara replied while rolling her eyes.

Zayn and Harry just chuckled.

A few minutes later, Liam and Josh walked up to them, followed by a redhead.

Andy couldn't make it, since he already had plans with his girlfriend.

"Ed! That's Zayn, my best friend. I totally forgot to introduce the two of you, I'm sorry.", Harry said smiling.

"Oh hi, nice to meet you. I actually have seen you around a few times and wondered who you are.", Ed said with a big and honest smile. 

"Yeah, hi. Oh and your an awesome goal keeper."

"Oh thanks, I-", Ed was cut off by an annoyed Cara.

"Yeah whatever. You guys can talk in the car. We are hungry.", she said annoyed and started walking towards the parking lot.

"Yes we are.", Niall said and followed her.

"Wait, didn't Niall eat two sandwiches before the game?", Josh asked confused.

"It's Niall, don't question it.", Liam chuckled and they all followed the to the parking lot.

When they arrived at McDonald's, they realized that they wasn't a table that would fit all of them, so they all ordered their food to-go and then drove to a nearby park and sat down on one of the large picnic tables.

Cara and Niall had already eaten half of their fries in the car and were now complaining about it.

It was already dark and chilly outside and the only thing that was enlightening the table was a street lamp a few meters away.

Liam sat next to Zayn, and since the table wasn't big enough either, they were all sitting really squished which caused Liam's and Zayn's thighs to press against each other.

That nearly drove Liam crazy. He didn't know why though, but just the feelings of Zayn's thigh against his own did something with his body.


New one🙃

Hope you like it:)

QOTD: do you have any siblings?

AOTD: nope I'm an only child 🙃🤷‍♂️

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