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[1550 words]
~lunch break~

Zayn and Harry walked into the cafeteria and sat down at their usual table. Not even two minutes later they were joined by Kendall.

"Guys guys! I found the perfect costume for Harry!", she said while breathing heavily.

"Woah calm down Kenny.", Zayn chuckled while putting a piece of apple into his mouth.

"I'm fine. Soo I just had a quick talk with Louis; I told him what Cara and I are gonna wear, and Zayn, hope you don't mind, and then I asked him what he'll wear and he said Captain America, like you said Harry and then I had the perfect idea. Harry, you should be the Winter soldier. I mean everyone knows that they are dating and so are you two so yeah.", Kendall explained, still breathing like she had just won a marathon.

"Yeah, that's a good idea. You even have the hair for it. I mean we can straighten it a bit.", agreed Zayn.

"Okay guys, but I haven't watched the movie. I mean I know that this winter soldier is kind of Captain America's 'buddy' or something but that's it.", Harry said while smiling apologetic.

"Oh, that's fine. We can watch it together. It's on Netflix.", Zayn said.

"Yeah, Cara's barbershop is in the mall so maybe we can go shopping while she's there on Friday and after that we can go to my place and watch the movie. We can also have a sleep over and get ready for the party together. I mean some of us might need some make up and stuff.", Kendall suggested. She had drank some water and got her breath back.

"Yeah sounds good. When is Cara's appointment?", Zayn asked.

"I think at 4pm or something."

"We can meet in the mall then.", Harry said and they all agreed.

They chatted for a bit and ate their lunch until the break was over and they had to make their way to their next class which they shared.



Zayn walked into the mall and made his way to the frozen yogurt palace, where they had planned on meeting.

"Hey Z.", Cara said happily and pulled him into a tight hug. They hadn't seen each other all week (except for snaps) but Zayn still was surprised that she actually missed him. Or he just wasn't used to it. But that was something he could easily get used to: real friends.

"Hey Cara. See you're fit again.", he chuckled.

"Of course. Tomorrow is Halloween."

Zayn looked around to see if Harry or Kendall were somewhere but it looked like they hadn't arrived yet.

"I guess Harry and Kendall will be here soon?"

"Yeah, Ken texted me that she'd be here in ten minuets and Harry should be here soon. Probably got lost in the mall.",Cara chuckled which made Zayn remember the first time he went to the mall with Harry.
They got lost because Harry couldn't remember the way back 'because it was so confusing' and Zayn simply didn't know the way out of the giant building.

Shortly after Kendall joined them and another five minutes later they decided to give Harry a call.


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