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They stayed at the pizzeria for 2 hours and Zayn enjoyed it. He liked spending time with the guys and he noticed that every one was really nice to him.
At first he thought that Niall had told them to act nice around him, but Zayn could feel that they meant it.
They were nice and friendly and asked him a lot of questions.

When they wanted to leave, Justin asked Zayn for his phone number, which Zayn gave him, but not without blushing like crazy.
It wasn't as bad as when Liam had asked for his number but he still managed to feel flustered.

Harry had planned to go to Louis', which meant that Zayn and Lima has to walk home, since Louis lived in a other part of the small suburb.
It wasn't a long walk, only 15 minutes, but Zayn could feel himself getting nervous.
That would be the first time that Liam and him would spend more than 5 minuets together. Alone.
The first few minutes they walked in silence, until Liam broke it.

"You are more confident in text than you are in real life, aren't you?", Liam asked with a smile on his face. It wasn't a mocking smile. It was a warm one, which made Zayn feel some kind of things.

"Ehm y-yeah I'm a shy person, I guess."

"Yeah I noticed that.", Liam chuckled.
But when he saw the worried look on Zayn's face, he added:
"But that's nothing bad. I used to be a shy kid too."
Zayn looked up to Liam with one cocked brow.
"How?", was all he asked. How could someone as confident and popular as Liam used to be shy?

"I didn't had many friends in elementary school. I was quite the outcast.", Liam started to explain, while the two of them kept walking down the street.
"But then I met Louis in secondary school. He wasn't very popular either, but he was still very confident. We became best friends and decided to go to the football tryouts together. We both got in the team and the we somehow became popular. And that kind of pushed my ego, I don't know."
"So I should start playing football to become more confident? But I can't play football.", Zayn said with a small smile on his face.
Liam chuckled a bit.
"That's not exactly what I wanted to say. But being friends with Harry should boost your confidence too. I mean he just goes around and asks for peoples sexuality as if it's nothing."

"Yeah. He does."

Zayn blushed at the thought of his first conversation with Harry and how shocked he was when Harry asked him if he was gay.

After that they started to talk about many things, until they reached Zayn's house.
Zayn didn't know what to do.

Should I hug him?
What if he pulls back or yells at me?
I can't just hug him we aren't even friends.
Not really.

After overthinking it for a few moments, he just waved good bye at Liam and quickly walked up to his front door.
When he was inside he looked through the small window next to the door and saw Liam walking to his own house and entering it.

Zayn walked away from the window and into the kitchen where his mother was reading a magazine.

"Hey mom."

"Oh hey Z. I saw you walking home with the Payne kid. Didn't know he was with you too.", his mom said with a huge smirk on her face.

"Eh well, he's the best friend of Harry's boyfriend, and he's a good friend of Niall who invented me so yeah.", Zayn explained while blushing a bit.

His mom just nodded and smirked and Zayn walked out of the kitchen and into the living room where he joined his dad on the sofa, who was watching a football game.
Zayn usually didn't like football very much, but since Liam played it, he found it quite interesting.
He sometimes asked his dad a question about the rules or the different players and Yaser was happy, that he could now watch games together with his son.

After the game had ended, Zayn went into his room to do his homework.
Suddenly he was interrupted by his phone. He stood up and walked to his bed to pick it up. He had a message from an unknown number.

Hey Zayn it's Justin:)
Just wanted to text you so that you have my number 🙃

Zayn saved the number as 'Justin😊' and typed a quick reply.
They chatted the whole evening, until Zayn went to bed.


Short chapter🙃

But I'll update more during the next two weeks because I don't
have school:)

Do you like it so far?
How'd you like jealous Liam?😋

I wish you all a lovely day💖

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