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"Your room looks nice. I like the bench in front of the window. And oh my god, you can see Liam's backyard from here?!"

"Ehm yeah. That's his backyard.", Zayn said while walking up to Cara who was already opening the window and leaning out of it.

"Hey Liam!", she yelled.
Zayn blushed a bit but still looked out, just to see Liam standing in his backyard while some dudes carried a big beer barrel inside.

"Hey! Getting ready for my party?", Liam yelled back, while Louis walked out of his house.

"Yeah we're getting dressed while waiting for Kendall and Harry."

"When will Harry be here?", Louis yelled.

"Oh my god you two saw each other yesterday evening haha don't be so clingy you'll see him at the party."

"Oh shut up Cara."

"He and Kendall will be here in 15 minuets I guess.", Zayn chuckled.

"When will you guys come over?",
Liam asked, smiling directly at Zayn, who blushed immediately.

"When does your party start again?", Cara asked.

"Officially starts at 8.", Andy, who
was carrying some liquor bottles, yelled while walking inside.

"Good. Then we'll be there at 9pm. See ya later."
And with that Cara pulled Zayn back from the window and closed it.

"Now we gonna get you dressed.", she said before walking to Zayn's closet and started throwing out his clothes.

The doorbell rang again 20 minuets later and Zayn quickly walked downstairs, still in his sweatpants and a simple shirt.

"Hey Guys.", he greeted as he opened the door.

"Hi Zayn.", they both say while hugging Zayn.

"Where's Cara?", Kendall asked curiously while looking around the big house just like her girlfriend did half an hour ago.

"In my room. Trying to find something for me to wear tonight.", Zayn said while scratching the back of his head.

"Oh I wanna help!", Harry squealed while running upstairs into Zayn's room.
Kendall and Zayn just laughed and followed him into Zayn's room.
When Zayn opened the door he was met with Cara and Harry sitting on the floor and nearly all of Zayn's clothes spread around them.

"Oh my god.", Zayn muttered while looking at the mess his friends had made.

"Hey babe.", Cara said, smiling at Kendall.
Kendall put her bag with her clothes and stuff on the floor and the sat down next to her girlfriend, asking:

"So what will Zayn wear?"

"Well, a pair of tight black skinny jeans and his black vans.",Cara said while trying to find a matching shirt.

"We just can't find a shirt or sweater.", Harry added.

"Okay but he can't wear a hoodie or sweater to the party. It's gonna be pretty warm and we don't want him to be a sweating mess, do we?", Kendall said, while now also searching a good shirt for Zayn.

"Not at the beginning at least.",
Cara chuckled and Kendall bursted out laughing.
Zayn blushed at her words, but also held back his laughter.

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