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"Clary!" Jace yelled as Clary threw a handful of dirt at his head. She giggled.

"What?" She asked.
"Why'd you throw dirt at me?"
"Well, I was getting tired of the boring old blonde hair, so I though, why not make it dirty blonde!"
"Very funny." He retorted as he threw dirt at her.

"Hey!" She exclaimed.
"Better!" Jace started." I thought that Carrots are supposed to be in the dirt so...." He said smirking.

"Jace!" She squealed." No kisses for two days!" Jace chuckled.

"Please. Like you can resist this for two days." He said gesturing to his body. Clary just rolled her eyes and went back to tending to her roses. Jace chuckled again. He grabbed the hem of his shirt and pulled it off his sweaty chest. He turned back to Clary.

"Clary," he said sweetly." Where does the fertilizer go again?" She sighed.

"I've already told you, it goes by......" Clary trailed off when she saw Jace. She blushed and averted her eyes.
"By the petunias." She finished. Jace smirked and did just that.

After about 10 minutes, he came up behind Clary, wrapped his arms and picked her up. She shrieked in delight. Jace kissed the back of her neck painfully slow. He trailed around to the soft spot behind her ear. He nipped at her earlobe, earning a small moan from Clary. She tried to pull away but Jace wouldn't allow her to leave. He just tightened his grip and pulled her closer. He turned her around in his arms so she was straddling his hips. He kissed her face everywhere other than her lips. Eventually Clary got tired of all this teasing. She took Jace's face in her hands and pressed her lips to his. He untensed and immediately kissed back. They stayed like that for a few minutes before pulling away.

"I knew you couldn't resist my kisses." Jace teased.
"Oh shut up." Clary demanded. Jace was about to argue, but Clary shut him up by kissing him. The kiss was getting heated, but they were directed to pull away when they heard.

"No! My poor gay eyes! Can't straight people control themselves?!" Jace laughed and set Clary down. He took her hand and whispered in her ear.

"I really like gardening now." Clary just giggled.
"Making out is not supposed to happen during gardening."
"Maybe it should."

Clace One-ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now