Harry Potter Crossover

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Clary POV

Jace, Alec, Izzy, and I were all out demon hunting one night and something weird happened.


Clary POV

We were sneaking up on two Ravener demons, who were busy wreaking havoc on the mundanes. I creeped over near my Parabatai, Izzy. She glanced over at me and smiled slightly. I smiled back. Jace and Alec were whispering something to each other. They looked over at us and nodded slightly. Izzy and I slipped silently over behind the closer demon. Before it knew what was happening, I stabbed through its spine, disintegrating it immediately. I smiled triumphantly and nodded over at Jace and Alec, who were nearing the other demon. Just as Alec was about to stab it, we heard a voice yell "Protego!". The demon fell to the ground, twitching. Alec quickly stabbed through its chest, sending it back to whatever hellish realm it came from. Jace swung around to face the person who attacked the demon.

"What the hell?! We had that!" He shouted.
"Please." We heard a voice say. "We were saving you." Jace's eyes darkened with anger. A boy about our age stepped out of the shadows. He had black hair and luminous green eyes like my own. He had A lightning bolt scar on his forehead.

Behind him stood three others. A tall gangly ginger, with green eyes and a big nose. Next to him, was another shorter version of him, although female. We could've been twins, although her hair was straight and shorter than mine. On the other side of the black haired boy, stood another girl. She had frizzy brown hair and matching brown eyes. She had large front teeth. All of them were holding wands in their hands.

"Who are you anyway?" Jace asked the strange black haired boy.
"I'm Harry, Harry Potter. This is Hermione, Ron, and Ginny." He said pointing to his friends in turn.

"I'm an orphan." Harry told Jace.
"As am I." Jace replied.
"I have a strange scar. It's a lightning bolt." He said pointing to his scar on his forehead.
"Really," Jace said. "Mine is a star." He said as he pulled down his shirt to reveal the star shaped imprint on his shoulder.

"Well, my girlfriend is a Ginger." Harry said, pulling Ginny to his side.

"So is mine." Jace retorted snaking his arm around my waist and pulling me flush against him. Ginny and I looked at each other and rolled our eyes.

"Well, I fought in a war." Harry argued.
"As did I." Jace yawned.

"Well through my journey to save the world, I encountered a powerful mirror, a magical cup and fought with a legendary sword, take that!" Harry yelled triumphantly.

"Big whoop, I did too, they're called The Mortal Instruments, my series is based off of them."  Harry growled.


"Yep got those too, plus vampires."

"I have two best friends, a guy and a girl..." Harry trailed off.

"Ditto. Mine are siblings." Jace said gesturing to Alec and Izzy behind him.

"I was connected to the villain in my series!" Harry exclaimed.

"Same. Was horrible being attached to my girlfriend's psychotic brother." I giggled slightly.

"Did you have a teacher that was evil but actually cared for you?"

"Yeah, man I miss Hodge." I rubbed Jace's shoulder gently.

"Did you have a gay wizard?" Hattie smiled victoriously.

"He prefers freewheeling bisexual warlock, but yeah, he's dating my Parabatai." Harry growled again.

"I hate you." He told Jace. Jace just smirked.

"I get that a lot." I rolled my eyes at him again and went over to see Ron and Hermione, Izzy and Alec joined me.

We interacted for a couple minutes before we decided that we should get going. I set up a portal for Harry and his friends, and we said our goodbyes. They stepped through and disappeared. Jace and I walked beside each other hand in hand, with Izzy and Alec in tow, back to the Institute.

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