Day at the Park

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Clary POV

I was walking in the park with my hand interlocked with Jace's. In Jace's other hand, he held a picnic basket, containing a delicious assortment of foods for lunch. In my free hand, I held my sketchbook and some pencils for drawing later. We walked in a peaceful silence, until we got to our favourite spot; under a cherry blossom tree. Jace set the basket down first then he sat down, pulling me into his arms. I giggled as he kissed my neck and let me settle beside him, while he unpacked our basket. He'd packed pink lemonade, coleslaw, and roast beef sandwiches. With Jace's arm still around my waist, we dug into our picnic. It was delicious.

Just as we finished, I suggested that we glamor ourselves so we weren't disturbed by any mundanes. I drew a glamour rune on my forearm, and then I was invisible to any mundanes watching. Just as Jace was going to draw the rune on himself, a mundane bounced over to him. She was a blonde, stupid, traditional white girl. The type of person who went to Starbucks and orders a Caramel Frappichino.

"Hi." She purred, although it sounded like she was strangling a cat.
"Just wondering, do you have a girlfriend? I mean, we're both hot so.." She trailed off. I was ready to scratch the whore's eyes out when Jace spoke up.

"I am hot. You look like a duck." Jace shuddered inwardly. I resisted the urge to laugh.
"And yes I have a girlfriend. She is a beautiful redhead, with a spunky personality, and who isn't a whore who throws herself on anything that has legs." I blushed and giggled at the same time. The whore fumed and stomped away. Jace chuckled and finished drawing the rune on his arm, concealing himself from the mundane world. I leaned over and pressed a tender kiss on Jace's soft lips. He kissed me back just as softly.

"You're hot when you're jealous." Jace murmured against my lips. I rolled my eyes, and pulled away. I pulled my sketchbook into my lap, and started drawing my handsome, protective boyfriend.

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